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Everything posted by T.G.

  1. I believe scouts were saying he was the best pure power hitting prospect, not the best hitter.
  2. I like that Victor really gave all of this a lot of thought and shared it with us. Rather than assume anything, the guy did his homework.
  3. The more I think about it the more I like what I've read... that Scioscia and Dipoto met several times to figure this thing out. I'm buying the united front and I'm encouraged that these two are making the effort to work together. We can complain all we want - but the reality is they're coming back whether we like it or not. I love the idea that they've found some common ground.
  4. Rojas breaks down the season with some interesting observations: http://therojasspoils.wordpress.com/
  5. http://www.latimes.com/sports/baseball/mlb/angels/la-sp-angels-coaches-20131009,0,159895.story?track=rss&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+latimes%2Fsports%2Fbaseball%2Fmlb%2Fangels+%28L.A.+Times+-+Angels%29#axzz2hB2FqzBr In addition to the third base and hitting coach jobs, Dipoto said the team probably will add two new coaches, at least one of whom is likely to assist the hitting coach. Among the candidates for the third base job are double-A manager Tim Bogar, a former Boston third base coach, and roving infield instructor Omar Vizquel. Former Dodgers slugger Reggie Smith and former Angels first baseman Wally Joyner could be candidates for hitting coach. Former Angels closer Troy Percival and Charles Nagy, who was fired as Arizona's pitching coach Tuesday, could be candidates for pitching-related jobs.
  6. I listened to an interview with Leo Mazzone yesterday on mlb radio... and he was open to returning to baseball as a pitching coach somewhere... possibly Arizona to work with their young staff.
  7. I'm buying into the united front that Scioscia and Dipoto are presenting. For better or worse. I'm anxious to see what can be accomplished this off season.
  8. LT - do you feel that Butcher has any accountability in how pitchers perform?
  9. The reports about all the hamburgers he was eating in the off-season that sent the board into a tizzy.
  10. Both writers site sources inside and outside the organization...they don't name their sources - but it's clearly not speculation. they're not "guessing" this stuff happened - they're basing it on what those familiar with the situations are telling them.
  11. Links to the articles I mentioned: http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/writer/scott-miller/23286878/broken-angels-tense-atmosphere-nearly-included-pujols-hunter-fight-in-2012 http://www.cbssports.com/mlb/writer/jon-heyman/23287160/while-dipoto-or-scioscia-will-lose-angels-blame-game-owner-is-far-from-clean
  12. Short of a public announcement by Arte Moreno - all we have to go on is what we've read and heard... recent pieces by Jon Heyman and Scott Miller were enough to convince me. To me that's more than speculation. I doubt these well respected writers pulled information out of thin air.
  13. My worst nightmare is a Dodgers/Red Sox WS or a Dodgers/A's WS. I have a question... I often hear people say that the Dodgers playing well and winning is good for baseball. How is it good for baseball? I'm not being sarcastic... I'd really like someone to explain it.
  14. I thought knee jerk reactions were reserved for the fan base.
  15. Don Mattingly hasn't been extended yet and perhaps Scioscia's future is tied to this (although I doubt it). If Mattingly should fail to get the Dodgers to the NLCS or WS he could be gone and that might make Moreno keep Scioscia for fear of him going up the road. If Mattingly is extended - perhaps Scioscia will get the can. I doubt this - but thought it would be fuel for the fire for some of you...
  16. http://espn.go.com/mlb/story/_/id/9749026/oakland-athletics-success-due-player-chemistry-not-metrics-espn-magazine Talks about team chemistry... Excerpt: We had Bezrukova and Spell run a fault-line analysis of this year's A's roster, along with that of the 2013 Angels, preseason favorites to take the division. The researchers found a big gap in Oakland's favor and signs of isolation in the Angels' clubhouse. Without talking to a single player, scouting a single fastball, looking at a single stat or really even knowing all that much about baseball, the researchers would have predicted that the Angels would disappoint and the A's would exceed expectations. Which is exactly what's happened this year.
  17. I'm guessing the radio station said "big announcement" but that they didn't specify anything about the Angels. It could be a new contest or just about anything at all... but I can see how some would jump to the conclusion that it's about the Angels. It could be something as mundane as "Angel talk returns Nov. 1... " just guessing...
  18. The deadline to renew season tickets (for those not on a payment plan) is Friday the 4th... I wonder if that has any consideration for when or if an announcement of any kind is made.
  19. I have two categories... in the stadium (specifically those visiting Angels stadium) it's the Dodger fans. As for as those you encounter in twitter, message boards, etc. - it's A's fans.
  20. Per Bill Shaikin: https://twitter.com/BillShaikin/status/384729677186625536 Hearing it's unlikely #Angels will have any announcements today. Can confirm no one was pulled off bus on ride back from airport Sunday.
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