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Everything posted by Tank

  1. If you're a cop, then apparently you CAN touch this.
  2. Ha, my mom used to send me an email and then call me to see if I got it. She would then tell me what was in the email.
  3. So that means you're about 5'2" 110 pounds dripping wet and have warning track power. Welcome aboard, mice hair!
  4. She apparently was using crutches on the red carpet. Her speech was slow and she was either in a lot of pain, doped up on painkillers, or she's just not very with it.
  5. No marine issues to pin this one on, wellsy.
  6. Yeah, I think that's what matters most. He wanted to be here and he liked the offer. Why question that?
  7. my tax refund is going to be smaller this year. thanks, obama!
  8. not possible since most calculators only go up to 8 digits.
  9. just when you think TSA has hit rock bottom in idiocy, they pull out a shovel and start digging again.
  10. i'm pulling for argo to win big this year. was an excellent movie.
  11. 1nutkruk is a fantastic name. i applaud you, sir.
  12. 1. reapply for a new credit card 2. rack up a huge insane amount of purchases 3. declare bankruptcy everybody wins.
  13. i saw them, but then i took them and hid them in a storage locker in the OC for some idiot to find. i know they'll be safest there.
  14. how do we post pictures in this new forum? is it the same as the other forum or is there a new procedure?
  15. i'm too busy to eat with anyone right now.
  16. /obligatory reference to the hordes of children at stevestevens domicile. that oughta be worth a few warning points.
  17. this could be the most shocking news - shocking! - i've ever read.
  18. i think cory needs to attend more ducks games. hate to see his special mojo come to an end.
  19. kings are playing better. won 4 of their last 5 and moved over .500 for the first time this season.
  20. i thought you were dutch-apache. no way you could pull that off.
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