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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i feel your pain, brother. i feel your pain. fuel prices are so outrageous these days that i can afford to fly my helicopter to napa/st. helena in my helicopter for lunch at the french laundry only two times each week instead of my normal five. i'm fuming over this. stupid congress.
  2. you should just fly out there each day.
  3. i had a 4-wheel drive for a number of years. never heard of such a thing.
  4. angry personal reply from st1ck who was greatly offended by this slam in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . .
  5. let me call a buddy of mine who's an expert in hurricane-related carnival archaeology.
  6. money, money, money for vernon wells.
  7. cory, i wanted you to know that turning off the LTE was move i needed to make. my battery power lost like 2% during the night, and i can live with that. thank you for your help and insight.
  8. wow, things are really turbulent around adam's house after a 3-burrito lunch.
  9. huh? not following your train of thought here.
  10. okay, i turned off LTE. let's see if this helps. thank you.
  11. service is fine in my area. have updated to the latest ios. don't run any apps while i'm sleeping. i'm sure it's something simple that i just need to turn off, but after all the searching i've done and articles i've read, i still can't find it.
  12. i have the brightness turned down a bit, but i also use auto-adjust for that. i don't ever use full brightness for my screen. at night, my phone just sits by my bed. i don't have any apps or music running. it just sits there, losing power, no visible reason why.
  13. got an iphone 5 less than two weeks ago and am having a lot of trouble with the battery holding its charge, especially at night. was so concerned about it losing anywhere from 12-22% of it's power that i took the phone in to the apple store and had them run diagnostics on it. it didn't reveal any problems, but they were willing to exchange it for a new phone free of charge. i was relieved. brought the new phone home, got it all charged up, and it's got the same exact problem. i read three articles yesterday and have shut off a lot of things, including blue tooth and all location services, but i'm still losing about 22% battery life each night. i know about double clicking the home button and clearing out all things that you have been using (apps, music, phone book, etc.). whatever is draining the battery, i can't seem to find it. any ideas? /in before replay
  14. when it came to beer, my dad always said that as far as he was concerned, they could just pour it back into the horse. gotta say, i don't get what you all like about the taste of it.
  15. i feel bad for her parents. going from the thrill of winning the pageant and about to start college, to now seeing her do porn has got to be a crushing thing for them.
  16. Did you see that fatty Kate Upton there?
  17. Yeah, the magic bullet is one of the most unbelievable things ever. I always thought the first shot hit Kennedy in the throat - raing his hands like he did seems like a pretty expected and natural reaction. Second shot hit him in the back and third shot hit him in the head (from behind but not from the TSD -the angle is wrong from oswalds pov). Fatal head shot hit him in the middle of the head and exited out his right side; oswalds shot would have exited out the left side of his head given the angle he was shooting from. I think the govt was responsible for the coverup. Not sure yet who shot him, but think the govt was definitely in on it.
  18. Man, I'm really impressed that you picked up on that. Good catch!
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