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Everything posted by Tank

  1. anyone know where sue bird of the wnba seattle team is? we haven't seen her in a long time.
  2. my dad is a starter, not a finisher, wallerrrr. besides, someone else already came out with a game by the same name. my dad's version is probably long gone by now, too. would've been pretty cool if he had actually followed through on this one.
  3. a thread about preseason wins and worry? on feb. 28? please, go outside and interract with the three-dimensional people for a while. it's possible you may be wound a bit too tight.
  4. agreed. take it easy from here on out and then just turn on the juice around september 25 as we cruise into the playoffs.
  5. 7/$120, and not a penny more to be our 5th inning set up guy.
  6. you'll regret it. maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of your life.
  7. as he gets older, chuck's hearing gets a little worse. had to yell to get his attention because whispering doesn't work.
  8. i heard the deflector shields were down and then they just ran into all kinds of crazy trouble from the alliance.
  9. my dad invented a board game called tin pan alley, where you went from a nobody to a successful music composer/publisher. he even made his own tokens and rewards - there was a gold record that both me and my brother always wanted to win. sadly he never published his game.
  10. locking thread. go home, gentlemen. this one's over.
  11. honestly, wearing this lid, there's no way arte would have wanted to take a shot at him in vietnam.
  12. plenty of room for each of you at our table in case this whole horse meat thing doesn't work out so well.
  13. hey, i'm suddenly unable to the message board on my ipad. i haven't changed any settings or done anything to it. i tried to sign in last night and it wouldn't accept me, nor would it let me open a new account. am i the only one having this trouble? has something in the settings for this board changed in the last two days? would appreciate your help.
  14. watching at my apartment in lakeview terrace, so choked up i couldn't even yell.
  15. it looks like i need to have my people schedule a lunch with him so the two of us and can sit down and sort out all of this nonsense and confusion.
  16. yeah, i'm onboard with this strategy. would like to see how he does this year and the next before thinking about a big money deal. hope like heck last year wasn't a fluke, but not expecting him to duplicate that kind of insane season every single year (though wouldn't it be incredible if he did!).
  17. i understand that only works with droid phones.
  18. LOL, of course i can, you silly guy. dude, it's ME. i can go anywhere. as long as the security guys aren't paying attention.
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