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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Detention would be my guess.
  2. So that was you? Sorry for being so upset that day. Hope you're better now.
  3. So you hate Mancini and Blarg? That's kinda harsh, dude.
  4. If the Nile turns to blood, watch out.
  5. Looks good but could probably use a little horse to really round out all the favors.
  6. okay, but nobody else is allowed to claim any or the three of us will get less. and ultimately, that's the most important thing in all of this.
  7. if they play the same number of games, i gotta go with crosby.
  8. can you see nicklaus, bob goalby, ken venturi, and julius boros doing something like this? it's awesome that these guys are doing something so hilarious and throwing cash to a charity in the process. impressed that they're not taking themselves so seriously.
  9. that's crazier than dennis rodman becoming pals with the north korean (benevolent) dictator.
  10. my complaint about the Bible is that because so many people know the story, it's not really a wise idea to deviate from it. a few errors with Abraham and Isaac (isaac was 20 when abraham was asked to sacrifice him, not ten; they took two servants with them and left in the middle of the night so sarah wouldn't know; it was a three day journey to get to mount moriah, not simply over the next couple of hills). wish they would've shown the story of joseph. one of my favorites in the old testament. as for the vikings, it has potential. the conflict between the king and the main character (who's wife is surprisingly horny) could be a lot of fun to watch.
  11. that was really beautiful, man. i'm sure mancini will be touched.
  12. yes, i went there. one of my earliest favorite players (he was a lefty and i thought that was pretty awesome), plus he was on an episode of the brady bunch. stop judging me.
  13. i was really going to relish all the food jokes this season. oh well.
  14. i wish i could've made $510k at age 21. heck, i wish i could make that much now.
  15. with all those knew members joining us, we're gonna need a bigger - wait, nevermind.
  16. timely article. we're moving at the end of this month and are likely to drop our landline, a savings of about $40/month. even though we're on the national do not call list, we get a mountain of sales calls and surveys every week. had enough, and figure those who really need to get ahold of us can already do so.
  17. ambivalent. if junior wants to go, i'll take her. otherwise i'm not likely to see this until it shows up on cable - maybe.
  18. happy bday, nick. i'm not going to say it on facebook because i've already said it here, so tough tacos.
  19. i get really annoyed with people in movie theaters using their phones once the house lights have gone down. you're there to relax, and so am i - i don't need the glare of your screen out of the corner of my eye.
  20. i agree. i'd still like to see how frequently it's been successful for the halos.
  21. Maybe so, but if its owed to me, I want it. Not having it would be worse than getting it but its not worth as much.
  22. Never really had a bad job. Have had to work with people I didn't like, but never really bad job.
  23. Rice, count your lucky stars you don't have to travel to El Camino this year. Chickens.
  24. Those uniforms would be perfect for the Maui classic. Any other time? Not so much.
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