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Everything posted by Tank

  1. The premise for this movie looks like a great idea. However, the comments here are less than encouraging. I'll have to see what st1ck wants to do.
  2. I'm having lunch with her tomorrow. I won't be telling you guys squat.
  3. I've combed through roughly 27 square feet of terrain here in Florida. He's not here. Don't know where to search next. I'll take a casual glance around the airport on Sunday, but not really sure what to expect. Keep hope alive.
  4. I'm in Orlando right now. Big news here and a lot of relief that this didn't end up being a lot more awful.
  5. Wait til it turns into vinegar and then put it on your salad.
  6. Not able to post video, so I'll just mention a couple: It's a mad, mad, mad, mad world - most every scene is brilliant, but the standout for me was Jonathan Winters chasing Phil Silvers and finally finding the giant W. The man with two brains - where's my hat? Mr. Mom - when he's at the grocery store, and when he's figuring out why he won't sleep with their friend Ann Jillian (she was a hottie back in the day). Liar liar - when he's in the elevator (all the out takes at the end).
  7. No mention of the "Those aren't pillows!" scene? Shame on you, NJ.
  8. Red lobster . . . Never been to one, never going to one.
  9. Their home record is pretty darn impressive. They're definitely over their Stanley Cup hangover.
  10. that would be such a great treasure to own. but yeah, it belongs in a museum somewhere. i'd loan it to them if i owned it.
  11. that's a great story. when you're a kid, you always have dreams of doing something like that. seems like there's a story from the stanley cup finals one year long ago when the starting goalie got injured so they called out some fan in the stands to fill in. don't remember the details, but that was the gist of it. can you imagine that happening today?
  12. wow, that's quite a shakeup. was not a fan of lieweicke - he was an empty suit for the kings when they moved to staples and was not honest with the fan base. we used to call him lies weekly. my view of him has improved in the last year, however. anschutz can go pound sand. the only owner i've ever heard of that never ever showed up to see his team win a championship. at least he sent his wife for the ring ceremony. he sux.
  13. 5/7. always figured a red car was more of an expense with your insurance.
  14. happy bday, bruce. have you hit another prime number yet? 147 is right around the corner.
  15. wow, someone's kind of needy today.
  16. ^^^ that looks like a couple more than 52 cards.
  17. I'm sure the tyrants at the usga will find a way to penalize players for something like this.
  18. That sounds just like Mancini, too.
  19. as a junior high teacher, i can't begin to tell you how many times i hear this from kids in telling a story or answering a question.
  20. so which kids have as their prize possessions hats and t-shirts that say "2011 world champion texas rangers" on them? those lucky kids.
  21. i'm going to be singing with my men's chorus in three of those cities starting this saturday - miami, orlando, and fort myers.
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