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Everything posted by Tank

  1. ah, i see your confusion. it's known as a "pride" in the western hemisphere and a "murder" in the eastern hemisphere. what's really weird is that the former soviet bloc nations refer to it as a "pod" of scarves. i can't really explain the logic behind that one.
  2. great thread, dude. keep 'em coming, everyone. i'll start with an oldie: what's the difference between a snake lying in the road and a lawyer lying in the road? there are skid marks in front of the snake.
  3. cable. the first one had some entertaining moments. glad i didn't pay to see it. the two chicks in it were quite attractive, whoever they were.
  4. this is from the same chick who wrote all the twilight books. pass, pass, pass.
  5. hey bub, that's future mayor of glendale kim kardashian to you.
  6. technically, a "heap" of scarves is known as a pride. you're welcome.
  7. as long as it's not jumping out of the park.
  8. what in thunder is wrong with you? i ALWAYS take 821. 812
  9. Got any good ones? Always a ton of them out there.
  10. If there's no Ralsty, this is the only reasonable solution. Man, that was just the greatest thread ever.
  11. The Internet will explode if he ever fights Mike Hunt.
  12. The video was outstanding. That'd be great fun to try, assuming you can do basic math.
  13. Toast with avocado, and a peanut butter, banana, and chocolate smoothie.
  14. The parachute ride was he best thing there. Always laughed at the older women who wore skirts on it, not really grasping the concept of wind from below. Buddy of mine used to work the graveyard shift with a leaf blower cleaning up the park. That was about the same time they made all of the strawberry preserves. Used to just wipe him out to smell all of that strawberry goodness every night.
  15. Lets face it -wrestling just hasn't been the same without Ravishing Rick Rude.
  16. Remember when a lot of guys here madmenned themselves? We should totally catify ourselves. I think soto should go first.
  17. Congrats to rally on his creative new website.
  18. Call the engraver! Schedule the parade! Call the banner maker!
  19. Bonus points for mentioning a movie with Powers Booth. Seriously, this happened back somewhere in the 30s or 40s
  20. The horn in Chicago is great, but darn near everyone else has copied it, including the Kings. Back in the Forum days the Kings would play what one of my friends described simply as "the German beer song" when they scored. I have no idea of what it's really called but I always liked it. They also played rock 'n roll part 2 for many years. That Flyers song/horn is way too long.
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