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Everything posted by Tank

  1. st1ck, you're a pretty good artist. well done. i had no idea.
  2. didn't always agree with his views as a critic, but enjoyed listening to the conversation between him and siskel, and then with roeper.
  3. i've had the mlb app on my ipad/iphone for a little over one season, and one of the great things about it was being able to listen live to either team's radio broadcast. i never really tried but wonder if it's possible to also watch games with that app. anyone know? they also give you lots of highlights that you can watch pretty quickly after the event happens.
  4. au contraire. several of us here have great appreciation for AD.
  5. beignets need to be mentioned here, though they might also be considered more of a breakfast food item than a dessert. if you've never eaten at the cafe du mond in new orleans, hop on a plane THIS AFTERNOON and get yourself down to lousiana right now! or you can go to ralph brennan's jazz kitchen at downtown disney and load up.
  6. absolute win. but cinnamon rolls are more of a breakfast item than a dessert, are they not? judges?
  7. outstanding! that would such a blast to drive around on the course. only concern is that it looks like some effort to get into the drivers seat.
  8. get out of here! is that even possible this early in the season?
  9. "So if Wichita State somehow wins as a miracle long shot, Pizza Hut will sell you its tends-to-be-greasy pizza with one topping for $1.01 more than they are selling it now through April 6 with twotoppings and also clog your inbox with spam." when did disney buy pizza hut?
  10. so i was in south carolina once, just swimming in the atlantic minding my own business, when this pretty good sized barracuda swam up and bit me. stupid thing still had a hook in it's mouth, too, so it probably had been thrown back at some point. boy would i like to meet up with the fisherman who threw that stupid fish back in the water. just 5 minutes with him would be excellent.
  11. but she loves like a prom queen. *alledgedly
  12. a toll is a tax to drive on a road already paid for with our taxes.
  13. i'm greatly disappointed it's taken this long, but i'll go ahead and say it: victor's mom's house.
  14. Cheers everyone else. friends was funny and started out so very strong. but after a few seasons it tailed off and they lost their energy. they kept trying to bank on the tension between ross and rachel and GREATLY overplayed their hand.
  15. for quitting on his teammates like that, i'd sit him for a week, easily. what a selfish move.
  16. if weaver was strictly a fastball pitcher that had relied on overpowering hitters, i'd be greatly concerned. however, since his strength is control and deception, i don't have any concerns about whatever the radar gun says. what he's doing works, and ultimately that's all that really matters. lots of different ways to skin a cat. and don't forget, guys like tommy john, jamie moyer, john tudor, and some others still had success throwing in the 70 mph range. speed isn't everything.
  17. imagine the difficulty of which hat he chooses to wear today. maybe do a combo like a pirates hat with a tigers jersey.
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