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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Sounds like the kind of owner who would have people kicked out for standing up and cheering.
  2. This is my first time watching in hi def. these greens are more insane than advertised.
  3. I wish more emphasis was placed on mental math. I've tried to encourage my daughter to do more of it, but without much success. Next year she'll be in algebra, and I think it'll be tough for her. I can't begin to tell you how many student workers I've had who needed to write out things like 28-8=20 in order to write a score on a paper they were grading. Eons ago when the sales tax was only 5% my dad could usually figure out the total for the bill in his head before the chick at the register could do it with her chart and cash register. It was pretty simple, really, yet they were always amazed.
  4. No interest in seeing Cabrerra win, although he has a nice game. Same with Adam Scott.
  5. Anyone else notice that Sergio and Jason Day are wearing the same outfit today? Okay, I may have a little too much time on my hands today.
  6. The 'ol Tank kiss of death as Tiger misses the birdie putt.
  7. Tiger has made his move. Lined up for a birdie on 16 to take him to -6. Day in the lead is a surprise. He's played army golf all day . . . left, right, left, right . . .
  8. Yeah, that's not going to air very long.
  9. Well, I'm glad I've got something else to do tonight. This looks like its gonna be a long, painful night . . . again.
  10. chuck, please send me a pm. i tried to send one to you but got a message saying i couldn't.
  11. stengel is buried here in glendale forrest lawn. i only know this because there used to be a hall of fame plague on the wall by his grave. went over to take a closer look and thought "that's kinda cool. i wonder where he's buried?" i was standing right on top of him. i have no idea how he ended up out here. always figured he was a new york guy.
  12. come on, man. he deserves credit for giving up a world series ending home run to joe carter.
  13. tell her not to wear her trevor bell jersey anymore and she should be just fine.
  14. he was so awesome as the truck driver. loved that role and that movie. RIP.
  15. rumor has it if you go to danny k's, you can get a free set of golf clubs, especially if there are awesome people there.
  16. 9 games in and only 2 wins. That's worse than games back right now, at least it is for me. And for Trevor Bell.
  17. I feel fortunate that I haven't seen these clowns play very much. So put me in the "everybody is to blame" camp.
  18. If only we had Trevor Bell to fix things in the pen.
  19. Okay, but is this movie a triumph? I wont watch a movie unless at least one critic calls it a triumph.
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