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Everything posted by Tank

  1. We have a pitcher named Dane De la Rosa? And this is his fourth game? Never heard of him.
  2. imagine a coaching staff with percy as pitching coach and erstad as manager. the grit factor would be infinity.
  3. i will never understand why people drop that much money on a uniform only to go and do something stupid with the name. i wish i had that much cash to burn.
  4. yeah, a retractable roof should have been insisted on by MLB officials. pretty shortsighted not to do this.
  5. also, it sounds like at least one of the bombs had things inside like nails that just shot out in all directions. cnn guy is reporting that one woman who died just happened to turn around and got hit by a nail, which killed her. boy, this is getting nastier and nastier.
  6. cnn now reporting 110+ injured, including at least 8 children.
  7. they're all dating sneaky_flute music.
  8. just got a look at the murals and the time capsule at the denver new world airport. WTH?!?
  9. you should see all the merchandise they're selling with their own pictures on it. they're going to be okay for a while.
  10. just heard about this story. wow. someone went through a lot to organize all of this. i hope the injured are okay, and i hope the ones responsible for this terrible deed are caught and dealt with harshly.
  11. Good all stars episode tonight. Was pulling for chef Faulkner. Seems like she has tremendously creative food.
  12. "Closeted" may not have been the best choice to use in this thread.
  13. Two big tee shots, followed by two poor second shots.
  14. Tiger said he thought shooting 65 today would have won. That would have put him at -10, and it would have won by one shot.
  15. How nervous would you be standing over a three foot putt to force a playoff in the Masters? Cabrera certainly wasn't jittery.
  16. Looks like the gift shop sold a lot of umbrellas today.
  17. Cabrera needs a great second shot.
  18. Great Scott! What a clutch putt!
  19. Scott has been pretty steady today, while Day has just been all over the map.
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