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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i don't have any idea how to do it, tin. none whatsoever. with as many smart people as there are in this country, i wonder why no one has come up with any kind of reasonable solution to address this problem. but the skeptic in me also wonders why gangs are allowed to continue to exist, and the conspiracist in me thinks that maybe some of these things are just simply allowed by our gov't as the price for continuing to have a free society. does the ultra powerful NRA lobby get in the way of any possible solutions because they see it as infringing on the rights of lawful gun owners? it's possible i may be rambling here.
  2. shameful act by our leaders. absolutely shameful. of course, this is the same group that just repealed the much ballyhooed no insider trading for congress law that was such a big deal a couple of elections ago. here's the link. http://reason.com/24-7/2013/04/17/congress-changes-insider-trading-rules-f nice job, everybody.
  3. first i've heard of this oil spill. i'd say their plan is working. and by plan, i mean a media blackout of all news coverage.
  4. good reason not to stand next to you at the next aw.com fanfest. no offense.
  5. "A statement by former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, who was disabled by a shooting attack, and her husband, former astronaut Mark Kelly, said the Senate had "ignored the will of the American people." Citing polls that showed around 90% support for expanded background checks, the statement said "senators voting against the measure chose "to obey the leaders of the powerful corporate gun lobby, instead of their constituents."" that about sums it up for me. it won't solve all of the current gun problems, but parts of it can certainly help. i'd sure like to see them make an effort to go after all of the illegal guns, also.
  6. one of my daughters friends sent her pictures of the guy who was going to propose to his girlfriend but couldn't, and about the child from sandy hook elem school running in this marathon but being killed by the blast. looks like time to talk (again) about being more discerning what you see and hear.
  7. i'm intrigued enough to consider seeing it in a theater.
  8. people on motorcycles who drive with their high beams on. glendale drivers and glendale pedestrians.
  9. you know what would make superman an edgier character? if he watched an angels game in April with AO and a bottle of tequila. :-)
  10. yes. he was inspired by that hit song by Cher "if i could turn back time".
  11. foreskins are a parade ground for all kinds of bacteria.
  12. who is this kid? and why is he called kid president?
  13. if that's a requirement that congress has to approve, it'll never see the light of day. it's really disheartening to see these people take so much advantage of the system. absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  14. so how did it go when she told you she wasn't completely finished with her transformation? i sure hope you didn't find out accidentally.
  15. was thinking about the timing of this event and realized that this week has been, for the last 20 years, a pretty horrific week in the u.s. apr 19, '93 - ATF and FBI lower the boom on the branch dividians in waco, tx. apr 19, '95 - timothy mcveigh sets off massive bomb outside federal building in okc, killing 168 apr 20, 99 - columbine shootings apr 15, '03 - boston marathon bombing i'm thinking the chances of this being an attack from a domestic group is pretty high.
  16. he was rock solid on the NFL and on cbs golf.
  17. that thing looks like the three-eyed fish outside the springfield nuclear power plant. btw, we don't have anything comparable to this.
  18. Wow. Hope your friends are okay. Espn reporting 140 are injured.
  19. Never heard his name until tonight, not in any discussions or projections. Absolutely shocked to find out this is his fourth game of the year.
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