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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm willing to bet it was a couple of 60 year old newspaper delivery women.
  2. I guess it would've been valuable to remind him that the mics pick up pretty much everything, even if its not your turn to speak. Comments: he's an edgier version of the boom goes the dynamite guy.
  3. http://www.angelswin-forum.com/forums/topic/2097-have-you-ever-been-in-love-with-a-transgender-person/
  4. Which has resulted in putting massive amounts of video cameras everywhere, which brings up privacy issues.
  5. Raiders Jaws Saving Private Ryan Schindlers List 1941 Edit: Lincoln should also be on my list. I'm going with 6 and I'm not backing down.
  6. Golfing with my bro is serious biz. He knew the risks.
  7. "This means a company like Facebook, Twitter, Google, or any other technology or telecoms company, including your cell service provider, would be legally able to hand over vast amounts of data to the U.S. government and its law enforcement — for whatever purpose it deems necessary — and face no legal reprisals. And despite numerous amendments and changes, there are no requirements that personal data, such as health records or banking information, should be anonymized before sharing it with the government. It's hoped that the data can be used in real time to stop cyberattacks in their tracks, or even trace back to the source of the attack. Because cyberattacks nowadays as weapons in the virtual battlefield could lead to all-out war. The Bill will also amend the National Security Act to allow U.S. intelligence services to hand over classified information to entities and people that do not have security clearance. The idea is that this will be used in order to help companies fight back against and prevent cyberattacks on their systems in the future. A great deal of controversy has stirred around this Bill. Having amendments passed in a veil of secrecy did not help matters, either." ----------------------- That's a of invasive, scary power, not at all what the framers envisioned. I hope the president does indeed veto this.
  8. Sec of state Kerry just announced we're sending another $125 million to help support the rebels.
  9. I'm still trying to understand why they chose not to read him his rights. Can someone clarify that? And does that tie into this issue? I didn't really hear the original explanation on this.
  10. For these judges, I'd like to have a meal at each of their restaurants just to see how good they really are. Marcus Samuelson is the judge I really don't like. He is way too harsh. I like Freitag and Guarnaschelli.
  11. So you support Soto, Adam, and Mancini, but not st1ckboy? Seems kind of narrow-minded, but whatever.
  12. Not since I amputated one of his hands.
  13. Ha, my brother has had one since about 1977. Uses it constantly and won't give it up.
  14. Yeah, but that would have meant keeping Napoli and wading through a couple hundred more "why does Sosh hate Napoli?" Threads.
  15. KNX 1070 was reporting yesterday that there was a bullet hole in this kids neck, and they were speculating it was from a failed suicide attempt. Sorry if I craig'd.
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