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Everything posted by Tank

  1. On HIMYM, has he met the mother yet? This show started off so well but I couldn't even finish watching the second season.
  2. Bicyclists beware. http://www.turnto23.com/entertainment/highway-collision-pits-motorcycle-vs-bicycle
  3. The potential for victors mom jokes is very high here, but you all have failed miserably.
  4. Bummer. If only they had had turkey bacon.
  5. Your bitterness over being rejected by El Camino is sad. Time to move on, mt.
  6. Another lousy April has me questioning my decision-making ability.
  7. That's about as stupid a play as I can remember. Hoping they'll bounce back well and forget all about it.
  8. I can't believe any of those players beyond Trumbo would bring any solutions either for now or down the road.
  9. Time to turn the calendar page.
  10. Never had it. Had sizzlean beef bacon once and thought it was good. Brandon's right -veggie bacon is not good.
  11. please throw in a NSFW warning on these things.
  12. please release me, let me go. i don't love you anymore.
  13. is anyone watching the show "scandal" on thursday nights? excellent show, and it moves along pretty crisply. lots of intriguing aspects to it.
  14. i think that was actually m0nkey. so have fun!
  15. big deal. you can get that at jack in the box.
  16. i am fascinated by those of you who think sosh is still itching to get the dodgers job after being here for 14 years.
  17. same here. they still have my support - that won't change. but my enthusiasm is extremely lost right now because they're not winning and they're not a very fun team to watch. i hope they get it going soon because i'd like to go to a couple of games this summer, but i'm not willing to sit in traffic for over an hour just to get down there and watch a team that doesn't really show up.
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