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Everything posted by Tank

  1. People waiting for elevators who try to get on as soon as the doors open, without allowing people to get off first.
  2. I grabbed it because the first one is always more valuable than the second or third or fourth.
  3. Best wishes. Hope it goes well for you.
  4. We had a fire in Glendale right across the fwy from our school. Fire dept did a great job of knocking it down before any damage was done. Fortunately we had a half day so there weren't many kids there when we had to evacuate. Took two things home with me to save: my school computer, and my inflatable Kings Stanley Cup.
  5. Saw something on Facebook that said Blanton had given up at least one hit in 32 straight innings. Yikes!
  6. I would think Barry Bonds would be #1-762 for the slowest.
  7. fix the angels perrenially stupid base running problems.
  8. never been to one and not really interested. i don't like back rubs. i find them to be painful. scratching my back, however, is a totally different story.
  9. maybe the casket will be upside down?
  10. too bad the video ended before ashton kutcher jumped out and started yelling and laughing.
  11. saw this story covered on the news tonight. horrible just isn't a big enough word to describe the horror show that was going on. whoever said demonic was right.
  12. agree that proselyzing shouldn't be allowed, but if this prohibits people of faith from having prayer or bible study together, i find that to be a huge infringement.
  13. welcome back, chad! nice to see you here.
  14. he learns how to "turn the page".
  15. It's because of his huge weight gain over the winter.
  16. Trummy Trumber I'm down with either of those,
  17. Did it just lose power? Some kind of stall? That's horrible. Honestly, with the way it landed, I was surprised to see it burst into flames. It seemed like it landed flat on its belly, not at some kind of angle.
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