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Everything posted by Tank

  1. "Chan Ho Park still has those alluring moves I so fondly remember. I want some cannoli."
  2. The maple leafs won their last playoff series?
  3. Voynov!!! That was awesome! This was a terrific win in a game where they simply survived. Blues outplayed them most of the night, but the Kings made their opportunities count and didn't back down from the unrelenting pressure. I love this team.
  4. Wait, you went without me? What's your deal, dude?
  5. Lexington and Concord and Quincy Market are great places. I was always impressed with how clean the city was, but that was back in the early 80s and I don't know if its still that way. Oh, and there's a dunkin donuts about every 50 feet.
  6. Blues have come out at a blistering pace, out shooting the Kings 9-2 and doing an amazing job of forechecking.
  7. good. didn't like her look at all. you don't stab someone that many times without being aware of what you're doing.
  8. so i should just let her walk to school alone and not sweat it? i must be a wimp.
  9. vijay craig is a weasel.
  10. there's no trolling on the el camino sight. we take care of our own.
  11. i've always appreciated how hard he works, but i really can't stand the guy. don't like the expression on his face, don't like the way he walks or stands, and he never came clean about cheating allegations back in the 90s about how he marked his ball on the greens. he reminds me so much of that weird kid in third grade that used to eat paste, pick his nose in front of people on purpose, and never clean his desk. probably ate smelly tuna fish sandwiches all the time, too.
  12. pete dye courses are just about my favorite courses to play. i've played his 27 hole course in moreno valley 3 or 4 times and it was there that i first broke 90. i've also played his course at pga west twice, and it's insanely fun. have broken 90 on that one also. the jack nicklaus resort course there is torture. played it twice and had a great front nine (44, iirc), then blew up on the back. still managed a 98, but oh what might have been.
  13. yeah, that was . . . odd. they didn't really react while the bear is mauling the monkey, but once he was pulled off, they started standing up.
  14. one of the comments in the news article said they wondered how many cases like this go on that are never discovered. it's a fair question to ask. watching the news this morning i turned to my 13 yr old daughter and told her this story is why we won't let her walk home from school by herself.
  15. for nearly every sunday of our marriage, my wife has made a hot breakfast. occasionally it's pancakes or waffles or cream chipped beef, but we usually have hash browns or breakfast potatoes, maybe some eggs, and toast or an english muffin. it's a meal i look forward to every weekned.
  16. throw in a bagel or english muffin and you're spot on, old bean.
  17. chances that was written by one of the many aw.com studs > 50%
  18. haven't read the list yet, but i'm assuming pico rivera, for the fourth year in a row, is again number one.
  19. If this were china and that chick was a bear, that monkey would be toast by now.
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