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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Forgot about another one done to me by another teacher. Walked into my room after lunch one day and found my floor covered with six inches of shredded newspaper. We really live on the edge and play hard in the world of private education.
  2. Horse racing doesn't really interest me. I've watched sporadically here and there. I find it odd how jockeys and others describe a race from a horses point of view ("war paint really dug down deep on the stretch. He refused to be beat").
  3. That was incredible!! Pittsburghs D just totally fell asleep, but man, that was also an absolutely perfect tape-to-tape pass.
  4. Chances he'll resurface next year for someone else and be a 40+ save shutdown closer: >50%
  5. so if some guy loaded up on coke drives his car and kills three members of your family, you're okay with it because that's the price of his individual choice? your right to abuse your body with drugs shouldn't affect any of my rights. the moment you or anyone else gets behind the wheel of a car while under the influence runs a very high risk of affecting my rights not to be affected by your actions.
  6. I'm guessing the loss of state sales tax to North Carolina might be in their reasoning somewhere.
  7. If using any drug which alters your mind were done in a vacuum, including alcohol, your argument would hold up better. But that's not how any of these substances are used, and any peerson using these substances who then gets a behind a wheel or walks through a mall increases the risk of an accident to themselves or to others. Aren't you guys tired of all the deaths due to drunk driving? Or are you not outraged because it hasn't affected you or your friends/family directly? And why would anyone want to increase the possibility of more road deaths by putting more mind-altering substances into the hands of the citizenry!
  8. And along with this, campaign finance reform so that lobbyists and corporations aren't able to buy influence. There's so much corruption that these guys aren't doing much of substance.
  9. I bought their whole stock. I'll be reselling them on eBay for an insane profit margin. Get in line! Bid early, bid often!
  10. loved him on the broadcast. felt like i was with an old friend whenever he was talking. learned an awful lot from him, too. he had terrific insights into the game.
  11. pavement:best all time rocks bands :: nickelback:best all time rock bands
  12. used to have the portraits of all the presidents displayed on my classroom walls. was teaching away one day when i noticed that suddenly each one was suddenly wearing a dodgers hat. it was a good prank from one of my colleagues and her son. i returned the favor on her last day of school by printing out an unflattering yearbook picture of her wearing an angels hat, then taped them all over her classroom. best one ever done to me was by my roommate and fellow jr. high teacher. he found an old publicity photo of me, xeroxed it, and then the let the kids color it. they turned me into a pirate, doctor, football player, cross dresser, you name it. he then taped them all over my classroom. great surprise to discover that morning, and the kids loved it. still have those pictures somewhere.
  13. I don't agree with you, AO. He's spent a ton of money to build a winning franchise and the Angels have had their most success during his decade as owner. Lack of performance isn't his fault. If you want to argue about who he signed or who he won't fire, go ahead, but that's a different argument.
  14. I wish the halos would play with the same passion as the Kings. I'm glad I have my hockey team to watch right now.
  15. When you said celebrity, I thought you meant someone who was famous for actually doing something.
  16. I'd boot him out for the rest of the playoffs. Hopefully you and I are talking about the same length of time.
  17. Seriously? Stop being silly. Enright for Posey, Cain, and Bumgarner.
  18. I want to see conger pitch.
  19. I'd rather stand in line at an Anaheim stadium concession stand than watch this team right now.
  20. Don't forget to cast your all star votes soon and often!
  21. When is Shuck bobblehead night?
  22. Union rules require that teams get a water break after they've been on the field for 45 minutes.
  23. Tell me again why Lowe is on the roster. Anyone? Bueller?
  24. Just watched video of raffi Torres' hit on Hossa last year that gained him a 21 game suspension. Going after a players head when he's rather defenseless is a gutless move. Will be interested to see what his discipline will be as a repeat offender. He's meeting with NHL officials in NYC tomorrow so he'll miss game 2, at the very least.
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