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Everything posted by Tank

  1. stopped reading at "mason and ireland". those guys know as much about baseball as most of us do about reading sanskrit.
  2. not sure, but i think 'ol joe's got a legit shot at shattering it.
  3. but the only games where we've been down by 8 or more runs have been games started by blanton. you've created the perfect conundrum. congrats.
  4. no chance. i've got inside info that'll destroy you and anyone else who dares to challenge me.
  5. saw a clever meme on facebook after the rangers loss sunday. hey, new york, you know what time it is? it's 5 past lundqvist.
  6. and here i was thinking "tyler's being a solid poster lately. i should take him to get a couple of free tats with some tOSU autographed gear that i've got". you can go pound sand, you blimey. no veggie burgers for you!
  7. i'm in the market for an odyssey putter. shoot me a PM.
  8. i hope this puts an end to the silliness of their "best uniforms" or "greatest athlete of all time" shenanigans. but honestly, in my heart, i know this will mean less hockey coverage before pretty much anything else.
  9. Show me the way to go home I'm tired and I want to go to bed I had a little drink about an hour ago And it's gone right to my head
  10. The younger generation really worries me.
  11. there were twisters predicted for a lot of last night and into today. wondering why anyone would send their kids to school, but that's 20/20 hindsight now. if they were under tornado watch or warning, i would have been inclined to keep my kid at home with me, or maybe even leave town. 2.5 miles wide is just insane. not sure there's much of a defense you can put up against something like that.
  12. useful answers, everyone. thanks. after posting the question i gave it a little more thought and was figuring that there was something to the idea of not swinging with your own hands and thereby removing one of the elements of human skill from the game. while in this same vein of thought, i'd like to see them eliminate the practice of having a caddy tell his guy if the putter is aimed the right way. you're a pro - aim it yourself.
  13. dungeons and dragons for the twenty-teens.
  14. ok, someone, anyone, go ahead and explain to me why there is such opposition to an anchored putter. the outcry over this has been worse than casey martin and the golf cart (or at least it feels like it sometimes). i don't get why there is such outrage over this.
  15. The hooking one was funny. I really hope the high school one was photoshopped. I'd be pretty upset if my kid (or any other kids) saw that at a game.
  16. Forgot about another one done to me by another teacher. Walked into my room after lunch one day and found my floor covered with six inches of shredded newspaper. We really live on the edge and play hard in the world of private education.
  17. Horse racing doesn't really interest me. I've watched sporadically here and there. I find it odd how jockeys and others describe a race from a horses point of view ("war paint really dug down deep on the stretch. He refused to be beat").
  18. That was incredible!! Pittsburghs D just totally fell asleep, but man, that was also an absolutely perfect tape-to-tape pass.
  19. Chances he'll resurface next year for someone else and be a 40+ save shutdown closer: >50%
  20. so if some guy loaded up on coke drives his car and kills three members of your family, you're okay with it because that's the price of his individual choice? your right to abuse your body with drugs shouldn't affect any of my rights. the moment you or anyone else gets behind the wheel of a car while under the influence runs a very high risk of affecting my rights not to be affected by your actions.
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