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Everything posted by Tank

  1. "alex, i'll take 'beating a dead horse looking to cast more blame, part 6952' for a thousand, please."
  2. weaver is the one guy i don't worry about. his velocity is not his greatest asset.
  3. we'll let richards go, then lock blanton in there, bolt the doors, board up the windows like it's hurricane season in miami, and plant some nice foliage in front of the building so no one suspects a thing. we'll then need to send some kind of note to sosh saying "dear mike, got tired of sucking and being a drain on the team. i've decided to go find myself in the himalayas, where i'll be without electricity and running water for the next two years. it's been real. good luck, signed, joe."
  4. jeff davannon spits in your general direction.
  5. inside pitch, that's a good analysis. howie was a proific hitter in the minors, and many figured he would be a perrenial batting champion in the MLB. the fact that he hasn't come close to winning mulitple batting titles has probably worked against him more than anything else. he's a quality player who has moments of being a stud, and moments of being a dud. stay away from all the GIDPs of last year, and more people would be on his side.
  6. tonight we see the hamilton we've been waiting for: 3-4 2 homers
  7. i like to see a well-established pattern, so i'd wait until after next season to start offering one of these mega-deals to him. my running joke on here has always been 7/120. i'd start there with trout and see what he's looking for - but not until after next season.
  8. chances he'll pitch for us this season: <25%
  9. LOL seriously, you wouldn't believe the stuff they say to me. many think i just want a slice of cheese.
  10. i think this series goes all 7, but if the Kings don't come bursting out of the gate, they could be in trouble. san jose seems to have figured out a couple of things and the Kings just aren't keeping up defensively.
  11. jr. is showing more interest in seeing this one, so probably theaters after school is done next week.
  12. maybe theaters for this one. first one was okay, laughed in a few places. didn't bother with the second one, though.
  13. fixed. if you want a fun time, ask them for a cheeseburger without the burger. nothing but hilarity ensues as they don't really comprehend what you're saying.
  14. DR, if you don't have any plans this weekend, you're welcome to join me and my family for a bbq on monday. we'd love to have you come over. i'll even grill some meat for you, if you like. send me a pm if you're interested.
  15. from the alex jones story: "But, obviously, no one in the administration is a mutant who can psionically change weather patterns like Storm of the X-Men. So, yes, the Oklahoma tornado truthers claim the administration whipped up a storm that killed 24 people through HAARP, the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, in Alaska. Here's a screen grab of a contributor post on Before It's News, a citizen journalist website that's home to many of these conspiracy theories, from a contributor who says this is "compelling evidence" that HAARP is at work:" one of the pitfalls of a free society is that sometimes you have to allow stuff like this. crazy happens a lot more frequently and intensely with the pervasiveness of the internet. the tin foil hat crowd has more followers these days.
  16. this is the kind of movie that i might watch if there's nothing on HGTV and i'm just killing some time. i saw the first one and parts of either the second or third. i'm not a car guy nor am i really impressed with someone taking a honda civic and throwing a nitro system on it and a wicked paint job.
  17. Pen? How about the paddock instead. He can bunk with Lackey.
  18. Traffic sux here, even on weekends. Take the train. And yes, go to Langers.
  19. That's cuz Blanton is 15 xs better tha- sorry, I can't finish the thought.
  20. Probably would've done better if he wasn't eating all of that fattening food from subway.
  21. Sharks up 1-0 early. They've been swarming the Kings zone so far. Come on, boys! GKG!
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