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Everything posted by Tank

  1. turning it off probably saved you from a severe mancard violation and lengthy suspension.
  2. it's entirely possible it kicked you off as a warning to go outside and play with the three dimensional people.
  3. and props to mrwicked for the "alo roops" handle. that was brilliant.
  4. now you understand a little bit better how our federal gov't works.
  5. Bad base running + bad ump calls = angels baseball
  6. He sounds just like st1ckboy, though easier to understand.
  7. The ball was NOT coming out of his hand well.
  8. If anyone is feeling kind and has a willing spirit, I'd greatly appreciate if you could pick up a poster for me. My daughter graduates from eighth grade Thursday night and I'm in charge of the ceremony. Wednesday is also out for me. PM me if you can help.
  9. Well, what an interesting start. The halos score two uns on a strikeout and the doggies defense looks laughable, at best.
  10. I'm glad people and/or groups are calling for him to return a prize he never deserved in the first place. I'm glad the horribleness of Holder is being more and more exposed.
  11. The hair on the back of my neck just stood straight up and there's a very cool chill suddenly running through the air.
  12. I think Pinball Wizard needs to be part of the conversation.
  13. I remember fizz more fatten than not talking about how the halos needed a groundout or a fly ball more than a hit. Used to annoy the snot out of me. I always remember thinking how they could also use a hit more than another out. Fizz sku'd.
  14. Being as how you started without me, I'm available next Saturday night to come over and catch up. DO NOT watch any more episodes til I get there.
  15. Happy bday, raffy. Stupid auto correct. Wish I could fix it. Oh well.
  16. Hit the post four times. Really swarmed all over the sharks in the first two periods, but Niemi was up to the task. Very effective forechecking by the sharks in period 3. Alright boys, on to game 7. GKG!
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