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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Agree at being surprised by all the cop hatred here.
  2. We should have sent those giant hamsters that drive Kia cars in the commercial to destroy the asteroid. Those bad to the bone hip-hoppin' rodents look like they can handle anything.
  3. This movie got hammered on the front page of the Times calendar section today. Not interested in this one at all.
  4. 16 was awesome. 19 was just confusing.
  5. I had to laugh when I first saw the pics.
  6. Alright, Kings vs. Blackhawks. Game one on Saturday and game two on Sunday. That's a weird start, but hopefully it becomes an advantage or the Kings. GKG!
  7. the single park one-day is around 90. how are you getting a price of 120? are you buying it from st1ck or something?
  8. those disney lawyers are pretty good. they've probably got charges on him ranging from setting off an explosive device in public to terrorist threats to drunk & disorderly.
  9. youngblood was such a crappy movie. glad to see i'm not the only one who remembers it. on the list of bad ideas, youngblood 2 should be near the top.
  10. some major talent on the rangers, but they just didn't go very far with it. oh well.
  11. Most of us liked you, but Adam insisted on teaching you a lesson. Allegedly.
  12. Small sample size, but every time the Kings have made it to round three, they've also made it to round four. All five teams remaining in the playoffs are also the last five Cup winners. Quick was brilliant. We go only as far as he can take us.
  13. it was a bad call by the ump, pure and simple, but at least it wasn't as bad as "the call".
  14. i still don't understand why anyone reads his columns. he does nothing but upset people. why even bother seeing what he has to say?
  15. oh no you dint! sosh has a copyright on that phrase. you owe him $6.37.
  16. there's an effort right now to get dr. jobe inducted somehow. his family has had an online petition that they've been circulating. he and yocum should definitely get consideration, considering how many careers they saved and lengthened.
  17. oh, well, in that case, he's just an idiot. no offense, cory.
  18. not sure about this one. gonna wait until i hear more reviews. saw #1 and remember it having some funny moments, but it wasn't a comedy that knocked me (or any of my teeth) out.
  19. honestly, i was figuring chicago would have as easy a time in the playoffs as a team could have. i've been very surprised at how tough detroit has played them. they're lucky they forced a game 7. they're also the team i'd least like to see the kings play. but at least we know now that they can be beat, which is always encouraging.
  20. the lady i've been buying tickets from put hers up for sale for tonight. couldn't afford to buy both, and she won't sell just a single ticket, so told her i wouldn't be going. told my brother about it, and he was able to buy them from her and he's taking me. i'll be there tonight in 304. gonna be fun! Go Kings Go!
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