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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I truly believe the angels can win 93 games this season Assuming they play a 250 game season.
  2. This weekend is going to be so ridiculously ugly.
  3. Tough loss tonight, their first on home ice. Brown, Kopitar, and Doughty have GOT to provide some offense. Quick has to find a way to stop letting in some goofy shots - two them were gifts tonight.
  4. I was too busy playing sports and getting shot down by hot chicks to play D & D. We knew about a few guys that would stay up ridiculous hours over several days to play, but I never had any desire to play. It was mostly the computer science crowd that played.
  5. I'm stunned at the fact the Pens high flying offense has produced a whopping two goals in three games. Olli Ollie oxen free!
  6. Oh man, aug. 16 is the last day of work before school starts and we might be having registration that day. Put me down as a maybe. I probably won't be able to pay on time as we don't get our back-to-school schedule until late July/early August.
  7. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn continue to have gainful employment.
  8. With that level of miscalculation and error, theres a pretty fair chance He might be the same guy that convinced the halos to drop 15 mil on joe Blanton.
  9. The Waterboy. I don't know. I'm making this up as I go.
  10. 17+ hour game? You guys have taken dork to a whole new level.
  11. wow, two games into his career and you've got a co-worker wanting to make this comparison? you need to find a new job or get this guy fired.
  12. his color and complexion look a good deal better in the first picture.
  13. nothing on my phone. not the first time that's happened.
  14. with as amazing as last year's unexpected and improbably run was, i have a friend who thinks EVERY game this year should be exactly like last year. he sucks as a fan. i have another friend who thought after quick shutout the sharks in game 1 of their series that maybe the kings could sweep the sharks and that quick could get a shutout in each game. he was being dead serious when he said it, too.
  15. i'm getting killed, but i've managed to finish in the top ten each week.
  16. im guessing Duncan will be getting a call. That was selfish and retaliatory. Aside from giving up a fluke goal and getting away with a pretty obvious icing late in the third period, they played a very inspiring game. On to game 4 - on to Thursday night!
  17. Solid first period all the way around. Voynov just scored while breaking his stick - awesome! 2-0.
  18. I hope this one is funny. Probably theaters.
  19. Any of you seen lately all the stuff kids try to wear marching down the aisle? Because the school is graduating the student, the school gets to set the rules on what it will and will not allow. We tell our 8th graders they're only allowed to wear what the school provides because we want friends and family to see what they've accomplished, and because some family members don't know when to stop when it comes to this kind of stuff. There's really no reason for kids to be wearing candy or money leis or stoles that boast about their ethnicity. That being said, the examples in this article go over the line of reasonable in most cases, and that's not okay. As for the feather issue, I wonder if she asked administration first if she could wear it - the article doesn't really say. If she asked but was told not to wear it, that's a different issue, and it's exclusion from this article would make this a pretty crappy job of reporting by the writer.
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