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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I wish hockey would get the attention it so rightly deserves. It's such a beautiful and difficult game, and there is nothing tougher than winning a cup.
  2. Wonder if Tiger's going to be able to play a full round. Hope the rain delay was helpful for him and whatever his injury might be.
  3. He's completely awful on golf. So out of his element here, and really takes away from the value of the event.
  4. Re: the diamond marketing effectiveness. Heard a comedian one time talking about engagement rings (I think it might have been Seinfeld during his standup days): the national diamond council telling us that an engagement rings price should equal two months salary is like the national ice cream council telling us that everyone's ideal weight is 450 pounds.
  5. This game has reminded me that Charra is a big gigantic thug. Can't stand him.
  6. Been an amazing game. Both teams looking a lot more tired in 2OT.
  7. WHAT?!? An alien?!? SPOILERS, you moron, SPOILERS!!!!!
  8. 3-3 with four minutes left in the third. All six goals have been goals by shooters. Beautiful shots.
  9. Good start to game one tonight. It's 2-1 Boston, and all three goals have been beautiful shots. Gonna be a tough series.
  10. I watch road games because it fills the dead air time between the end of the Katie Couric show and the beginning of Jeopardy.
  11. Yeah, hard to believe it'll really make any kind of difference at this point.
  12. "But I thought YOU were bringing the can opener!"
  13. He was one patient guy. I hope things go well for him.
  14. But, but, but if they win 85% of their remaining games, they'll end up with 90 wins and get into the playoffs.
  15. A couple dozen shots can do a lot of damage.
  16. And I applaud their courage. Given the IRS scandal about members of certain political preferences being targeted and Verizon subscribers being monitored, do you really want your name and address on a petition that gov't officials are going to look at? I wouldn't, at least not right now. Who knows what kind of retribution they might do.
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