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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Melissa McCarthy is a funny chick. Theaters for sure on this one.
  2. Spending next week with my brother at his time share in palm desert. Yippee.
  3. Sneaky flute says you're in for a surprise or two.
  4. Tampa Bay Lightning buy out Vincent Lecavlier, 7 years 35 mil, making him a free agent. He's 33.
  5. I had trumbo but since he's not playing I'm changing my pick to Weaver 7 IP 4 k's.
  6. Yeah, this is a big concern of mine, too. Hopefully there is some kind of legal provision included that doesn't require churches to accept something that goes against their beliefs, or hold them in legal contempt for refusing to participate in gay marriage ceremonies or allow their churches to be used.
  7. Ha, I was thinking the same exact thing.
  8. Wow, Pettis looks good. Been too long since we've seen him around here. That's a sweet ride, too.
  9. So, only 40 years to renovate? Sounds like a one-man crew.
  10. I thought he looked kind of arrogant in the perp walk to the police car. What a waste.
  11. Moving just isn't cheap. We hired a moving company or just a one mile cross town move and it was $1100. We were happy to pay it, too. There are some companies that will pack your stuff for you but that seems like an invitation to steal and I wouldn't do it.
  12. Was that Paula Deen at the beginning?
  13. Watched it and was intrigued. Don't like the weird kid who's acting like a rapist.
  14. I don't understand why he needed to pound her. Steal whatever you came there for and get out. Hope this guys gets caught and does max time.
  15. One time during prayer with my men's chorus, one of the guys phone rang and he answered it. Talked like there was nothing else going on around him, too.
  16. Oh, that's outstanding! We were at universal studios today and this would have been awesome to show in the discussion about stop-motion fx.
  17. What an insane finish! Both teams pulled their goalie in the last 90 seconds -both teams! That was epic. Well done, Chicago. No shame for the Kings in having been ousted by the champs.
  18. This made me laugh. Well done.
  19. Bruins are 17-2 when scoring in the first inning.
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