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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Operation egg drop, part two, is now in the planning stages.
  2. I sense a new Tyler perry movie idea.
  3. White House Down 6.5/10 Good summer popcorn movie but I was really bothered by two things: the crowd standing around the perimeter fence while the White House is under siege, as if they wouldn't have cleared several city blocks around it, and at the end when any and all people can just come onto the suddenly open grounds f a major crime scene without anyone running security to keep them out. And all this is happening while the White House is still on fire, with no fire crews trying to put it out. Sloppy detail work that shouldn't happen.
  4. Of course they're going to give a lt of attention to the sox, who have the best record in the AL right now. They're a very good team. My issue in these games is that they spend so much time slobbering over one team that they don't give a reasonably fair amount of balance in covering the other team. Unfortunately, it seems to happen too frequently to the halos. If the Angels were playing better maybe there would be more balance in their coverage.
  5. This Vogel chick is . . . Intriguing. Possibilities: - she's herself a serial killer and is responsible for the three deaths so far, with more to come - she's setting up dexter - she's dexters real mother Something about her doesn't sit well. So how did deb get out of the storage locker tonight? How did she track down el sabo? What happened to the bag of jewels?
  6. Not the most devastating knockout punch I've seen but certainly effective. I have never liked seeing people act like morons like that. Glad he got knocked out.
  7. There once was a Blanton named Joe I know that fills your heart with woe His games' full of suck I'd rather watch Schuck But for now we will just watch him blow.
  8. It was the middle of the afternoon on a clear day. Could he not see the runway? Maybe he was unfamiliar with the airport. Hast to be some explanation.
  9. I wish he at least had a decent THERA. *third base earned run average
  10. How many years now has it "not really been him" in embarrassing his teammates after they make a mistake?
  11. How could he be that short on the landing? I wonder what went wrong.
  12. All passengers are now accounted for. Yes, I know not to end a sentence with a preposition. Sue me.
  13. So basically it's your fault Howie didn't make the team.
  14. Espn finally pushed him into retirement, but Joe Morgan still belongs at the top of this list. Yes, he's still that bad
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