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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I'm only going to one of these if I can bring judge Reinhold with me.
  2. I really wish they would stop interviewing people while someone is hitting. Alvarez was virtually ignored fr half his time because of interviewing cespedes, and Davis was also partly ignored so they could interview scherzer.
  3. "The cooler wasn't coming out of Blanty's hands as good as we would like. He's still working on some things but should be fine. We're just gonna turn the page on yesterday and move forward to his next scheduled batting practice session."
  4. Berman has the amazing talent of making a 350 foot homer sound like its 700 feet. And by amazing talent I mean nails on a chalkboard and paper cuts washed with lemon juice.
  5. Prince, although I think the dbag from Washington will probably put on a good show.
  6. No worries, Tyler, although I now hate you with the power of a thousand suns.
  7. After reading this thread I'm going to encourage my daughter to continue her devotion to one direction as long as possible.
  8. I like how they didn't fingerprint either of the boxes left on her porch, and how they're keeping this info from the police (though I'm sure that's part of the plot to let dexter find him instead of the police). I also thought that carrying Deb out of the police station over his shoulder was such a routine thing that no one would have bothered to ask them what was going on.
  9. I'll watch whenever I wake up, which certainly won't be 4:30.
  10. I'm down for whatever time you can get. Does this place have carts? Nate, I'm third because I'm taller than you.
  11. Because Sosh always has such enlightening and informative things to say.
  12. They won't do much of anything though we'll see some flashes of less suckiness.
  13. Blanton 2-12 ERA over 5 Given up 23 homers already Couldn't finish 5 innings against the mighty mariners Yep, definitely butchers fault.
  14. So Blanton is off the hook in your eyes because all he did was toss around some coolers with his teammates present? You're not seeing the whole picture here.
  15. Every season begins with great optimism. We've gone through the best ten run in franchise history, so maybe we've earned the right to expect more. This year it isn't working. They're not a good team and there's zero chance of going to the playoffs. As someone else said, I'll still watch because of Trout and Weaver. I'm also curious to see what happens with Blanton after today's argument.
  16. Impressive kid and very impressive win. I almost picked him for my fantasy team his week, too.
  17. It's fascinating to me in these moments how when people don't get the verdict they wanted that they cry so loud about how broken the system is. If they want to be upset, they should direct their anger at the prosecution for not doing a better job.
  18. Exactly. Your right to protest doesn't trump my right to drive. I'm okay with the police being heavy handed in getting these idiots off the freeways.
  19. Says he was abducted by aliens a couple weeks ago. http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/baron-davis-abducted-aliens-article-1.1397660
  20. I hope pitching only 4+ innings today doesn't hurt his chances of pitching in the home run derby tomorrow.
  21. They won't release him yet, but he's certainly closer t o it happening. My guess is he suddenly has a "lower body" injury and ones on the DL.
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