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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Isn't Olt supposed to be all world? That seems like a high price to pay right there, and I'm cool with that.
  2. The geek is very strong in here today. Yikes.
  3. After shooting a 57 last Friday, I really can't relate to this experience.
  4. Team USA announces tomorrow. Hope that Quick and Brown are invited.
  5. Ah, bummer. Loved him on Law & Order.
  6. I'm glad he was dismissed from the team instead of just being suspended. Hope this (serious consequences for these kinds of actions) happens more in college football instead of the typical little handslaps that are so meaningless.
  7. I wanna change my screen name to R8R H8R.
  8. Will the real Greg Brady please stand up Please stand up Please stand up
  9. Two steps forward, three steps back. That's the story of this season.
  10. My daughter got hers at universal studios. They also have the superman ones. Couple of my kids wore those socks this year and they were hilarious.
  11. Paternity test followed by rap battle.
  12. Just walking by. It wasn't like I was hanging out with Mancini or something.
  13. I wish my daughter would do something like that for me. I also wish I had mr. Underhills Amex card number.
  14. My daughter just bought some Batman socks. They have a little cape on the back. Funny as can be.
  15. I'm trying to figure out how he did this physically. I've stood behind a horse and there's a couple of feet difference. Conclusion? This guy must be about eight feet tall.
  16. And you should hire someone to fold your laundry. Folding it yourself? LOL. How quaint.
  17. If Stenson can get a hole in one on 18, he'll tie Phil.
  18. That second shot on 17 at 302 yards by phil was insane.
  19. Saw that last week. Gotta have a big pair of brass ones to do that. Funny stuff.
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