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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Bulletproof vest tester . . . I hope it paid well.
  2. Life without parole plus 1000 years. I think that qualifies as locking him up and throwing away the key, which he definitely deserved.
  3. Did you buy his old convertible with the chewed pencil in the glove box?
  4. I couldn't tell you anything about modern country music, but I grew up listening to country in the 60s and 70s and I liked it. I like Glen Campbell, johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Marty Robbins, and a few others.
  5. Season 2? I've never heard of this show. Anyone know what channel it's on?
  6. So how soon til the Raiders try to sign him?
  7. I'm surprised, st1ck, that you're so willing to give up on Coco's so easily.
  8. Nate 100 Tank 57 Would you really have wanted me to school you in music, also?
  9. Watched that video yesterday. It was interesting, though he throws out a fair amount of speculation at times. Those who are outraged at the verdict seem to have ignored what trayvon did to Zimmerman, and he shows the photos in this video. I'd never heard of lean, either, and that was interesting.
  10. One of my favorite SNL skits. The tees tractor part comes in at the end. http://www.hulu.com/watch/285264
  11. Anything by the Stones. All rap and anything hip hop.
  12. Oh. Sweet. Moses. Why on earth would anyone listen to that.
  13. I had a student last year that did those goofy moves every single day. He did it just to be silly, and we all got such a huge laugh out of it.
  14. Remember when people used to admire this gifted athlete? People were actually rooting for him to break Aaron's home run record. Boy, what a fall.
  15. Won't be happy until Blanton is in a stadium guards uniform and driving a little Vespa to chase down home runs hit into the Big A parking lot.
  16. so which one of you morons just ran onto the field? i'm worried you may have upset frieri's pinpoint rhythm.
  17. Tank


    i'm very satisfied with my ipad. lots of things still to learn about what it can do, but i can read books, listen to music, store pictures, and write documents, and i'm very satisfied with that. next project is to buy appletv and connect them so i can do power point presentations with it.
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