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Everything posted by Tank

  1. sosh looks like he's getting ready for a kiss that just isn't going to happen.
  2. Trumbo's value will likely never be higher. his low obp and high strikeouts are two problems. if pittsburgh is really willing to part with a quality arm, do the deal. i have to think that whatever funk hamilton is in this year isn't permanent, and him getting back to his normal self this year or next should take care of missing trumbo. same with pujols.
  3. Don't know anything about any of them. I think your target audience here is going to be pretty small.
  4. Well, you know us here at aw.com, where we are never prone to overreact.
  5. And not a single mention yet of Notre dame.
  6. Of the things you've mentioned, Sosh only has an impact (and it can be argued to what degree he has an impact) on fundamentals. Dumping Sosh would not have any impact on the other things I mentioned (sucky bullpen, Blanton sucking, Pujols injury).
  7. Another doofus-looking raiders fan.
  8. They change their minds again if they can see his awesome dance.
  9. Game day thread reaches three pages more than an hour before the first pitch is thrown. Well done, everybody.
  10. New manager wouldn't stop Pujols from being injured or Hamilton from sucking (though maybe a different hitting coach might). New manager wouldn't stop Blanton from sucking. New manager wouldn't have made our bullpen less sucky. New manager wouldn't keep our base runners from making idiotic mistakes. There's definitely an argument to be made for in game management decisions, but not sure it's enough to warrant a change.
  11. No offense, but that was awful.
  12. Translation: this team needs Mickey Hatcher.
  13. Agreed. Time to stop beating this drum, amigo. It's not going to happen as Cano doesn't address any of the teams needs.
  14. I think Laker games are going to be every bit as frustrating to watch this coming season as the halos are right now, minus the expensive talent.
  15. Frod's fastball was flat as can be. Frieri is at the same place minus the long history of success.
  16. And it's the finest trombone orchestra you'll ever hear.
  17. Blanton seems to be good for about one inning.
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