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Everything posted by Tank

  1. That sounds worse than a sharknado.
  2. I liked the idea last year and wished Sosh would have given him more of a chance at it, so I'm on board with this. The more games he can play there now, the more comfortable he'll get for next year. And at this point there is absolutely nothing more to lose. Quick trivia for all of you - name the third baseman for Weavers no-no last year. Yep.
  3. i was hoping maybe Later was name of our new power hitting third baseman.
  4. quick trivia note - the musical director for glee has sung with me a couple of times.
  5. nice job, kurt. that's a different method than i usually employ, but if it works for you, keep it up.
  6. sosh is always so composed in public. i wonder if he ever really cuts loose like that video inside the clubhouse and we just never hear about it.
  7. calhoun field schuck whoever the other young ginger is who homered last night. kids are getting a chance.
  8. it's a conspiracy. let's get brad metzler and his team to find out the truth. this mystery needs to be decoded, and fast!
  9. we should try and get chase headley. (quickly runs away laughing)
  10. sosh looks like he's getting ready for a kiss that just isn't going to happen.
  11. Trumbo's value will likely never be higher. his low obp and high strikeouts are two problems. if pittsburgh is really willing to part with a quality arm, do the deal. i have to think that whatever funk hamilton is in this year isn't permanent, and him getting back to his normal self this year or next should take care of missing trumbo. same with pujols.
  12. Don't know anything about any of them. I think your target audience here is going to be pretty small.
  13. Well, you know us here at aw.com, where we are never prone to overreact.
  14. And not a single mention yet of Notre dame.
  15. Of the things you've mentioned, Sosh only has an impact (and it can be argued to what degree he has an impact) on fundamentals. Dumping Sosh would not have any impact on the other things I mentioned (sucky bullpen, Blanton sucking, Pujols injury).
  16. Another doofus-looking raiders fan.
  17. They change their minds again if they can see his awesome dance.
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