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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Inconsistent play, a bullpen that implodes far more than it succeeds, an injured Pujols, and Hamilton being MIA - season over.
  2. I can't believe how absolutely ambivalent I feel about this. Play, don't play - it really doesn't matter at this point.
  3. Have to love memorabilia dealers who seek out these college guys knowing that it'll compromise their eligibility once they accept payment so the dealers can make a profit. Sharks.
  4. Man, there were so many quotable lines from that movie. We used to watch that movie all the time during college. Been too long since I've seen it.
  5. I almost cited that quote but wasn't sure anyone would get it. "Hey kid, you like music?"
  6. Happy bday, tin. Enjoy reading this after you get back from Yosemite, assuming a bear didn't eat you.
  7. 80! Wow, what a great day. <coughnota57cough>
  8. I love PGA west, but the Nicklaus resort course was one tough puppy. It'd be a pretty darn good test for these guys. So would Brookside no. 1 in Pasadena.
  9. Free military fatigues. Great, way to go, marine corps. You just ruined the season.
  10. Time for the Jeppy era to come to an end. Enough already.
  11. Wow. Didnt know stickboy was such a devoted fan. I'm sorry he was so rude to you.
  12. It's nicer than the lindy. Stupid fat fingers.
  13. You'll just have to go all macgyver on your captors and hope for the best 'cause you ain't getting squat from anyone here.I mean, I'd help but I have bad knees.
  14. my daughter likes One Way or Another by One Direction. she doesn't like the fact that blondie sang it first.
  15. good call on back to school. the triple lindy!
  16. metal, in all it's various forms.
  17. phil isn't using a driver this week. has some kind of 3-wood plus a 12* 3-wood.
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