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Everything posted by Tank

  1. the only fixes available right now are the small tinkering kind. they don't have very many tradeable assets on the bigs or in the minors. they'll once again this winter have to comb through the MLB dumpster to find some castoffs to try and make next year better. best hope is that they can find some kind of serviceable pitching for next year for the pen, they dump blanton, claim headley off waivers, and hamilton rediscovers his offense. you also have to hope pujols comes back healthy next year and returns close to his career norms. i'd give dipoto one more year.
  2. can't be saved by good pitching if you only score 3 runs in three games (or however many it was this week). more embarrassing is the fact we can't beat the astros with any kind of regularity. the rangers dropped 15 on them monday, one day after their weekend series with us. that just shouldn't be okay with anyone in our clubhouse.
  3. my daughter has taken a couple hundred selfies on our phones and ipad. i've deleted about 98% of them. she did it mostly as part of discovering what the technology could do, distorting her face or making funny pictures, and because she was 11. she still does some of them now but not nearly as often or as many. i'm thankful we live in the digital age when pictures can just be deleted. couldn't imagine the tons of money we would have spent on developing pictures just to find what she had done.
  4. Yeah, that opening song blew, but the video was great. What a terrific story.
  5. We should just go ahead and sign him.
  6. Wow, what a great thing for him to do. And good job by all of you, too.
  7. glad it was cowgill. no room for him and his skillset. before hearing who it was, i was thinking "how bad a pitcher do you have to be to be replaced by billy buckner?"
  8. you know what no one ever runs out of? that's right, baby, mountain dew. i laugh at your craft breweries!
  9. gaga just debuted a new video monday morning on abc's good morning america. they had tons of people lined up in times square. the most disturbing part of that was all of the twenty-something-year-old guys dressed up and in face paint. maybe disturbing isn't quite big enough a word here to describe the horror show. that alone makes me hate her music. i'll be glad when the national obsession over her is over, hopefully sooner rather than later.
  10. whatever defensive skills he contributes are offset by his being a big black hole offensively.
  11. couldn't have said it better myself.
  12. there's nothing to lose. put in a claim and see what happens. i'd rather have headley than a whole year of nelson.
  13. i wish the angels played with as much courage and fight as that dog. way to go, rover.
  14. he really needs to just shut up about everything right now. if i were his attorney i would advise him to stop speaking to all media until this thing is settled. each time he opens his mouth he comes off looking more and more unbelievable.
  15. well i'm not taking any chances. you can only poke the grizzly bear so many times before it finally attacks.
  16. i'm gonna guess it's less than the number of offspring you've fathered, so somewhere around 40, you fertile sob.
  17. i can't math today, but i know the answer is likely to cause a hole in the space-time continuum.
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