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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i would only put that bumper sticker on my car if it included a picture of this:
  2. dear billy buckner, we think it'll work out to have you on the big club. no, wait a minute, we don't. i mean, yes, we do. wait, okay, i guess we don't. good luck. somewhat sincerely, arte and the angels
  3. wow, interesting. must be some nasty stuff going on behind the scenes.
  4. Oh boy. I was hoping for Anthony Anderson.
  5. The optimist in me really, really wants to believe you . . .
  6. i saw english cop reading this article. here's what happened to him:
  7. your kind of logic and common sense is not appreciated here. cut it out.
  8. we're using reverse psychology. instead of beating teams and ruining their playoff chances, we're letting them beat us so that they'll all end up with about the same record.
  9. this was your third sentence, and it ended your opening paragraph: "While this is not a serious injury, when looking at how the team has been performing compared to Trout as an individual." when i read fragmented sentences this early on in an article, that's the point at which i stop reading. clean it up or you'll never get me to read another article.
  10. i'd like to see someone with the passion of kirk gibson.
  11. outfield pavillion seats in dodger stadium are going to be absolutely horrible. they'll sell, but people sitting there won't have a very good view because they'll be so dang far away. same with people sitting out by the foul poles.
  12. crud, didn't know that about nelson. figured he was set for a pretty good year as the packers lost a big receiver over the off season and rodgers might look more often to throw to nelson.
  13. i'd been wondering why the tour was no longer playing at westchester, which was always such a tough track but such a beautiful course. heard just this morning that the barclay's tournament replaced it. i wish they were still playing at westchester.
  14. i don't think i'd want to be standing anywhere near that sinkhole. i'd be extremely worried about other ground being equally unstable. but yeah, the video of it going down was pretty interesting.
  15. i remember that, but didn't realize it was a dragster. driving one of those on dirt was probably as stupid a decision as one could make. it seems like there was one death and several injured, but i'm not sure on the details.
  16. elvis had a huge influence, too, even though he's not technically a band.
  17. they drew first blood, sir.
  18. i think jordy nelson is going to have a good year. i'd keep him.
  19. Well said, especially the part about balance. Remember all those years when so many of us were clamoring for the team to go out and get Clyde McBigBat to help offset the dozen r so little slappy MIFs we had? Well, here we are, top heavy with underperforming power bats and severely lacking in the small ball play that this team did very well. We need a balance of both.
  20. same goes for catchers who have a lousy squat ethic.
  21. how can you be upset with a guy who on at least two occasions in his career has swing and missed at a pitch that ended up hitting him because it was so far inside?
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