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Everything posted by Tank

  1. watching vladdy hit those first few seasons? absolute remote dropper for me. couldn't wait to see what he could do. he didn't disappoint very often, either. glad we got to watch him in person for a few of his HOF years.
  2. the pressure is off, so either cabrera-like or mathis-like.
  3. i blame cory for blaming ianetta for this season's failures.
  4. it's really been presented as the only option available, too. why? given how things went in iraq and afghanistan, i'm very surprised at obama's quickness in publicly saying he wants to have the military option approved right away. hopefully what he does is more like reagan in libya than dubya in iraq, if that's the route he takes. didn't he give a lot of blame to dubya for getting us involved in two wars with no end in sight? how would military action from him be any different? likely yet another case of "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
  5. i wonder how much espn banks on its viewers not catching those kinds of details. if i were a fan of the notre dame-michigan rivalry (i'm not), i'd be a lot more outraged because i'd know more about the topic at hand. i'm guessing most of the millions of viewers likely assume that this rivalry has always existed (i know i did). it's crappy journalism, and it shouldn't be allowed or tolerated by those in charge. i'm glad the folks at deadspin caught it. you think the network will apologize for the inaccuracies?
  6. i disagree with you very strongly, hk. what she did was in fact a big deal. i have a 14 year old daughter who was watching to see one direction perform. i think she missed miley's whore dance, and i'm thankful for it. my kid was a big fan of miley's tv show, but at age 14 she hasn't completely developed her skills of discernment. my wife and i help her as much as we can as often as we can, and think she's pretty well-grounded, but what about all those families where there is a lack of parental guidance? what do you say to those kids about how miley conducted herself? do you tell them with a shrug of your shoulders "oh, that's just normal"? you have too many kids without the ability to discern, and we ALL know that kids are great imitators of what they see. i don't know if you have kids, but if/when you do, i imagine you'll view some of these things differently, especially if you have a daughter.
  7. meh, it's not the most egregious error they've made, but it still shouldn't be allowed. there are plenty of other reasons to dislike these blowhards.
  8. good news, everyone. dennis rodman is back in north korea this week! he'll take care of business.
  9. how come military action seems to be our one and only option? what happened to diplomacy?
  10. so better than 3/4 of the twenty year old females are running around whoring it up? where's your evidence of this? and are you trying to justify that because so many others are alledgedly doing this same behavior that it's somehow okay?
  11. i hope that's still as funny to her at ages 40 or 50 as it now. seems like a big committment.
  12. oh, you mean wisconsin? yeah, tough stuff out there.
  13. Dd you see Paul Konerko on his way to the jewelry store at south coast plaza?
  14. Over/under til she shows up in playboy or penthouse?
  15. He was in Rocky 5, which was just on hbo this weekend. Didn't he claim at one point that his AIDS had been reversed?
  16. i always spent my summers working. the 16 and 17 year olds certainly could have looked for those opportunities, at least that was my initial response until someone posted that they were gang members. tragic all the way around.
  17. has the federal gov't weighed in on all of this yet? these state laws are directly opposed to federal laws, and as a matter of constitutional law/precedence, federal law trumps state law. cals, do you know anything about the legal conflicts on this one?
  18. so why did they target an 88 year old man? what a couple of cowards.
  19. i believe very much in the idea that the only thing necessary for evil to survive is for good men to do nothing. i think the brutality of the asaad regime needs to come to an end. that being said, it's hard to see any kind of winner in this battle. supporting the rebels could mean supporting al qaeda/the muslim brotherhood (depending on who you believe), that just cannot happen. surgical strikes can be used, but to what end? do we help bring about the downfall of this dicatator? is replacing asaad with a different dictator something we should be involved in? is israel at threat here and in need of our assistance? do we just let them work it out and let the chips fall where they may? i don't see any winner in this conflict. i don't see the need, at this point in time, for the U.S. to get involved militarily. this is where we could really use another henry kissinger and try to broker a peace deal, something we haven't been able to do in foreign affairs in a long, long time.
  20. chuck, how/where do we find out about how to set our roster, drop players, pick up undrafted players, or make trades?
  21. on a day where many guys were shooting anywhere from -4 to -8, tiger was +1 and phil was E.
  22. well, that was easier than i thought it'd be.
  23. Third base, 7/120. Can hardly wait to have lunch with him.
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