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Everything posted by Tank

  1. p.s. I should've said something about having an INTERESTING avatar.
  2. My work here is done. Good night.
  3. Oh yeah? You're going down like an upside down twerker on the other side of the door. FIRE!!! That's all I've got, Katie. Took me the last six hours to come up with it, too.
  4. I caught the USC game on the new Fox Sports 1. Don't know if that's the same thing.
  5. I thought the bears were moving into their new stadium this year. Looks like they're still playing in the same stadium.
  6. Couple o f buddies came over to watch the game. It was just as interesting as watching a three hour special on all of josh Hamiltons Angels success. That was one boring game. I think USC is in a lot of trouble this year.
  7. Doesn't anybody ________ knock anymore?
  8. You can begin your journey to being one of the cool guys by putting a picture in your avatar space. Until that happens, however, you're just being lame and I can't take any of your posts seriously.
  9. On pages 1 and 2, the negative Nancys around here weren't terribly happy about our team winning. Kinda weird. I didn't read page three.
  10. that'll be the title of the michael moore movie condemning obama for going into syria.
  11. yeah, where does he play and who sits? trout, bourjos, trumbo, hamilton, calhoun + choo? someone will have to be traded.
  12. haven't been to a single game this year. will be the first time in a long, long time that i haven't been to at least one game. for me, they just haven't been fun to watch, and with the traffic i have to navigate through to get the ball park, it isn't worth it for me. add in the fact that it's been 100 degrees or thereabouts for the last two weeks + plus my air con works great + they stink + the nfl starts on sunday = less reason to go.
  13. no. trumbo has too many holes in his hitting, and no way we pry away two of their starters. no way.
  14. was at school last night for something with my daughter. saw a girl running around with a letterman's jacket on. it was still 93 outside.
  15. saw a short clip of senator mccain meeting with some of his constituents in a town hall meeting yesterday. he supports going in to syria and raining down justice old style, but when people were expressing their great unhappiness with the idea of another war, he just smirked some smarmy smile and brushed them off. their viewpoints meant absolutely nothing to him, and his dismissiveness of them combined with his desire to engage another war ought to be just cause for him to never be elected again. we're going to war, folks. they're clearly not interested in listening to any of us.
  16. have you ever watched Brad Metzler Decoded on the history channel? they take interesting topics that have some kind of conspiracy ring to them and start to investigate, trying to unravel if there really is a deeper mystery to be found. i like the premise of his show, but the people on his show who do the investigating completely sink this premise because they think everything is a conspiracy by someone. they're absolutely terrible at what they do, and i think they would do well to read your words above, tdawg.
  17. When I get back from solving the Syria problem, I'm going to have a very long talk with myself about who I play golf with in the future
  18. Probably not the first beer she's had dumped in her face. Probably not the last, either.
  19. I'm more concerned about how sad and pathetic his swing has become. His arms are so out of synch with his lower body. About as ugly as you can see from a professional player.
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