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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Yeah, I saw that and wondered how the most uptight people in America ever let that jacket out of the clubhouse. That'd be a pretty cool piece of memorabilia to own, though.
  2. This thread is on shaky ground. We could use a seasoned diplomat like Dennis Rodman to restore peace and stability here.
  3. She sounds like someone you're comfortable with, and that's a great place to be. Go with the flow and move forward only as you're ready.
  4. He was vilified, rightly or wrongly, by a huge part of this country. Can't imagine that's an easy thing to bounce back from.
  5. "I think it is time to say it out loud........Mike Scoscia can manage motivated players." not to rain on your parade, but i think pretty most MLB managers can manage motivated players. the issue has been to get them motivated in the first place.
  6. checking in before the "wins are meaningless for a pitcher" crowd arrives.
  7. i don't see him as any kind of long term solution. he'll be the guy keeping third warm until we get a legit player there, which hopefully won't be long from now.
  8. yeah, she just filed last week. his best bet would be to relocate to another country. he's pretty much unemployable here, assuming he stays out of jail.
  9. from the article: "According to his family, Worthington passed away while watching Sunday football. The family didn't say what caused his death." if he had passed saturday night while watching the usc game, it might have been considered a homicide.
  10. wow, everyone knew those dopey songs he used, too. very effective salesman.
  11. starting his suspension plans earlier than usual this season.
  12. I'm wondering why Hannah hasn't cut her hair or changed the color. It's a sloppy oversight considering law enforcement is looking for her. Wasn't too shocked by Vogels son tonight, but I agree with YK. It hasn't been a great story line, though it could've been. I kind of figured Harrison was going to be the one to leave the show tonight, especially the way they set up an accident about to happen on the treadmill. Unless the final two episodes are insane, this will be my least favorite season by quite a bit.
  13. Yeah, that was pretty wretched. Hope the kid will learn from it.
  14. Longtime Pack fan. Offense looked good today, good enough to win far more games than they lose. The defense, however, has to figure out how to stop the niners offense. Dd a great job on the QB today, but couldn't stop Boldin for anything. The road to the super bowl will pass through San Fran, so they better figure this out if they want another Lombardi trophy.
  15. Huh, I thought it looked exactly the Sam as the old place, but then I don't see enough games to really know. If the fans, players and alumni are happy, that's all that really matters.
  16. you're getting a little lonely way out there in wisconsin, aren't you?
  17. His value will never be higher. There's at least one GM out there willing to make the right deal with the halos. Make the deal, Jer.
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