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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i read the original post in hacksaw hamilton's voice.
  2. Thursday New England Sunday Dallas Atlanta Baltimore Carolina Chicago Denver Detroit Green Bay Houston Indianapolis New Orleans Oakland Philadelphia Seattle Monday Cincinnati
  3. This much closer to having all major leaguers wear #2 for an entire season to honor the Jetes.
  4. it won't be pleasant until thanksgiving. at which time the raiders should be a nice robust 1-11.
  5. i'll bet the locals in tokyo have a fun time pronouncing "wladimir".
  6. chuck, can we lock this thread so that arte can't read it? thanks.
  7. back in 2003 our men's chorus was invited by james dobson to sing at the focus on the family headquarters in colorado springs. it was a friday morning and was their worship service for the employees. besides us, the special guest that morning was lisa beamer, whose husband todd was on flight 93. he was the one who always said "let's roll!" she told her story and it was mesmerizing. that was one of the more bittersweet days i've been able to experience as a singer, and it was all worth it. she did a book signing afterwards and we got to say hello to her. she was a very strong lady, impressive, courageous woman. i hope she and her kids are doing well.
  8. put together a power point to show my 8th graders this morning. added a couple of photos of the two Kings employees who died that day, including the patch worn by the players that year and the very simple photo of the stanley cup championship hat placed by their names on the memorial. got a lot more choked up than i wanted to.
  9. That sounds reasonable, nate, but I think giving you 75% would be a bit more fair. is that okay with you?
  10. Thanks or all the info, Kurt and Nate. I guess I was most curious about being matched up against another team. My record is 0-1 and I had no idea this was a component of playing, so I wondered how this factored into the overall scheme of scoring. Do the standings in my division affect my overall score?
  11. yep, didn't help me at all, either. jerk.
  12. i have a question. i noticed that my team was paired against katie's team and she got points for beating me. there's a schedule for head-to-head each week it looks like. how do we gain or lose points in this format? i don't really know how it works.
  13. it'll be tight but i'll see if i can pull some favors together for this outrageous amount.
  14. news this morning was reporting that syria has agreed to turn over their stockpile of chemical weapons to the UN. this should help, but don't know if it's enough to stop our hellbent administration from firing away.
  15. the treadmill didn't have a safety key on it. they showed it twice sunday night and i looked for that key both times, but it wasn't there. just lots of sloppy little details that they figure people aren't going to notice, i guess.
  16. "almost" unlistenable? no, nate, it was just flat out unlistenable. he babbled on and on about nonsense while the game was in motion. he should never ever again be allowed to do play-by-play. he's so bad, he makes me miss physioc.
  17. kurt, i'm pretty sure i went 16-0 just like i will every week this season. just an FYI.
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