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Everything posted by Tank

  1. My first classes of students are now in their forties. In fact, one of them just won an Emmy for a technical achievement.
  2. ow, my eyes, my eyes! one month ban for stoddart for showing that.
  3. you're as good as the . . . priceline negotiator!
  4. no doubt your wife could use a break for a month or two. welcome to the upper echelon. there's a secret handshake and everything. it's kind of like the 5-timers club at SNL. st1ckboy is our, well, we'll just call him our servant for now.
  5. you know, and i've been meaning to tell you this for a while, you're becoming a better and better poster all the time. i really see growth in you.
  6. goes back to the days of craig stadler kneeling on a towel to hit a shot under that tree in san diego. it was called in by a fan for "building a stance", which was a stupid enough rule. it needs to be called by the players themselves, their playing partners, or the rules officials - period. no other methods should be acceptable.
  7. guessing i could shoot a 58 or 59 there.
  8. just now finding this thread. wow, lol. quite the journey. how did we discover that toby ziegler (wasn't he the press secretary on the west wing?) is zach's brother? glad to see he had an excellent year. look forward to where he goes next.
  9. i wonder what happened to people's personal belongings that they had to ditch when the ship went down. obviously, a lot of things were destroyed but i'm guessing plenty of things on the side of the ship that stayed out of water would have had quite a few things survive. did passengers get those items back? i know, it's a weird thing to wonder about.
  10. i'll admit i only clicked on this thread because of the awesome title. i wasn't disappointed.
  11. Thu, SEP 19 Philadelphia SUN, SEP 22 Dallas Green Bay San Diego Minnesota New England New Orleans Detroit New York Giants Houston Atlanta Buffalo San Francisco Seattle Chicago MON, SEP 23 Denver
  12. Saw this on Facebook: What if Walt goes into witness protection and that begins his time on Malcolm in the middle?
  13. i started to read it but bailed after the first paragraph. i still hold out some hope of being surprised.
  14. well, the ending to under the dome was a huge dud. the story just simply stopped - nothing was resolved. the dome is still there only it's foggy inside now, and they stopped just as they were about to hang someone. an extremely unsatisfying conclusion to what had been an intriguing summer show. so now we're left wondering, as we were in episode one, where the dome came from and why it's there. we have no new answers to the mystery. idiots.
  15. yeah, whatever measures were in place to keep a gun out of this guy's hands clearly failed. how do we prevent that from happening?
  16. i appreciate that we have people with the skills and knowledge to right this ship. what an impressive accomplishment, especially when you consider that it's twice the size of the titanic. i just hope doc, julie, gopher, and isaac got out safely.
  17. the young guys that have been promoted to the big club have done a serviceable job for the last month. don't know if that's what we can expect from them all the time, but glad to see them contribute during our best run of the year. for all the high-priced talent we have, it's also good to see our oakland a's type players also contributing. can we win a ring with them? TBD.
  18. sixteen years of these two . . . sixteen very long years.
  19. with the constant threat of terrorism. i just don't understand the idea of having open borders. if anything, we should guard them even more vigorously. we should also be clamping down on people who come here on a six month visa (or however long it's for) but it expires and there's no one to get them to leave the country.
  20. I didn't see the game, smart guy.
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