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Everything posted by Tank

  1. word on the street is he eats a bowl of cap'n crunch during the ordeal, making him a cereal rapist.
  2. "what's the pen for?" "i'm going to use it to kill you." succinct.
  3. that's outstanding. i love the whole dufnering thing.
  4. we've been watching reruns of Castle all summer. got hooked very quickly and have watched almost every episode. in fact, the girl who plays his daughter has been attending our church for the summer. still shows up every week with her mom. very nice ladies who are very approachable and normal. no air or pretense around them at all. looking forward to the season premier tonight.
  5. good read, DR. at this age, i think companionship is more important than romance. romance has it's place, but companionship is a basic need and it sounds like that's where you are. enjoy.
  6. hope walt doesn't hop on a small boat and sail into the teeth of a hurricane.
  7. wish i were rich enough to destroy a phone and a microwave just to prove how funny and important i am.
  8. my mind tried to run through scenarios where you drive your small boat into the middle of a raging hurricane and survive. don't see how that was possible. glen?
  9. I wonder how long it will be before the fine detectives at Miami Metro realize Deb is gone,
  10. Just went back and read the whole thing. Glad it didn't end that way.
  11. Yeah, Hannah is suddenly a single mom. Enjoy! Weird to see loud, noisy, vulgar Deb so quiet and serene. Nice to see that the medical facilities of Miami will allow a patient on life support to get completely disconnected and removed from their room AND the hospital without a single nurse, orderly or employee with the slightest awareness of it. I'd like to know how Dexter survived.
  12. Silly. It's not a political issue, Apple.
  13. And thus why he's the most forgettable. He didn't come anywhere close to expectations. You're talking about Madson as the least memorable.
  14. Maybe the Yankees will give Sosh a painting of a painting of himself giving a painting to Jeter.
  15. Still wondering why his suspension hasn't started. I find it offensive that he passed Gehrig when he shouldn't even be playing.
  16. How can Madson be the most forgettable when he didn't even play? There were zero expectations from him this year - zero. We knew Blanton would suck like a yellow Dyson swivel ball, but Hamilton has been the most forgettable. Expectations for him were much, much higher than what he produced.
  17. Not sure Mitch Williams belongs that high on this list.
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