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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Part of me wishes they still used yachts instead of katamarans. I just wish it would have been on at a time I could watch.
  2. i thought elon musk was the substance you spread around your campsite to keep deer from eating your food.
  3. how awesome that she high-fived the guy behind her. good work swiping the ball out of the kids hands, lady. you rock!
  4. pulling for the Reds in NL and anyone but the blosox in the AL.
  5. ohio state fans don't root for anything michigan. sorry.
  6. a breed of dogs with a greater tendency towards violence + bad owners = a need to do something to prevent more of these dangerous attacks i mean, it's not like pit bulls are as violent as say horses, for instance, but something needs to be done.
  7. remember that these are the same crack detectives, however, that never seem to notice that serial killers just simply disappear in miami for some unknown reason.
  8. But the contradiction is what we see in Arizona where the fed steps in to prevent the state from actually trying to address the issue. Who fixes that?
  9. Research has shown that if your parents never had any children, there's an 85% chance that you won't either.
  10. You tokers in Colorado probably are too wasted to care.
  11. if i lived in houston, i wouldn't watch the astros, either.
  12. you don't have a daughter that looked up to her.
  13. glen, that could have used a NSFW warning.
  14. sat in the parking lot lat month while my wife and daughter went in to staples center and saw one direction. turned out to be a pretty safe distance on my part. last concert before that was barry manilow at the hollywood bowl july of last year.
  15. what a stupid decision by the court. one horse assault makes all of them vicious? idiots.
  16. "The only change is a re-configuring in the amount of a few ingredients — Burger King won't say what they are — so that less oil is absorbed by the thinner batter." the fact that there's more in a french fry than potatoes, the cooking oil, and some salt should be alarming to all of us.
  17. i think this movie has a chance to (be) very funny. hope they deliver in a big way.
  18. big deal. st1ckboy makes his own wind all day every day.
  19. It's hard to watch someone in such total free fall.
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