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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Sorry to see the Reds get bounced, but congrats to the Pirates for a job well done.
  2. If they have the identical roster on opening day that they have today, not much confidence at all. Would like to see what changes the winter brings, however.
  3. I voted Red Sox but this is EASILY the most correct option.
  4. Can't remember the last time I watched an episode. Used to be very clever back in its infancy.
  5. Claim jumper is tough for vegetarians. Their desserts are pretty good, however, except for that huge chocolate cake. It was dryer than toast.
  6. Calling hometown buffet the walmart of restaurants was pretty deadon. Cheap prices with huge volume equals lousy food. And like Ray said, the vegetarian options are very few. I've eaten at the one in San Gabriel half a dozen times with a buddy who loves their cheap prices. I go for the company. The food skus in every way possible.
  7. How about "I don't like to eat there because the food is terrible"? That'd be my first choice.
  8. So finishing 31st no longer gets you anything, not even a participant ribbon? Fascist. Btw, thanks for doing this again, tomsred.
  9. I think firing Butcher is a necessary move. I have no suggestions to make on who to bring in to replace him.
  10. I'm sure gonna miss Kiffin. Just when you thought he had reached the bottom for being a dbag, he'd pull out a shovel and start digging. He was comic gold.
  11. Paper cuts rubbed with lemon juice while getting your fingers slammed in a piano keyboard while getting a lap dance from Kevin James.
  12. The one dependable thing going for the Trojans has been their defense. So much for that.
  13. Pull the rink closer to home plate. Put temporary seats on the outfield side of the rink and forget completely any thought of using the current pavilion seats. It'd be better, though it's still not going to be fun to watch.
  14. That was nice to read. Here's hoping it comes to fruition.
  15. Hamilton 2-4 double I think I'm going to need slightly more than four points to win this whole thing.
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