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Everything posted by Tank

  1. I'm comfortable enough in my own skin to say ftw. Deal with it.
  2. I loved college. My favorite parts were playing on the college ice hockey team and meetings tons of people.
  3. Maybe the Feds were acting like a New York motorcycle gang.
  4. Arte just saved a bundle on his insurance by switching to Geico.
  5. Thu Oct 03 Cleveland Sun Oct 06 Miami Green Bay St Louis Kansas City New Orleans New England New York Giants Seattle Arizona Denver San Francisco San Diego Mon Oct 07 Atlanta
  6. when i read "kid" and "tool" at a quick glance, i thought maybe this was another breakup thread from cory.
  7. talking about the illness and all you and your wife went through put tears in my eyes, and i'm sitting here with a bunch of kids in study hall who have no idea what i'm reading. it's hard to keep my strong outer appearance going while reading about your tragedy. i hope this writing is a good outlet for you. i also am very impressed with date chick. seems like she's a solid person all the way around. God bless you, buddy.
  8. anyone hurt/dead? did they catch the suspect? our cable tv is out here at school because of some new thing charter cable has done so i can't watch the news or anything else.
  9. hoping stricker and speith kick some tail this week. gonna be a touch watch tonight with baseball playoffs and the kings season opener on the tube. will probably try to catch some of the replay stuff during commercials.
  10. jcvazquez seems to have some good mojo going. not sure why he isn't #1.
  11. Had something similar happen to me about ten years ago but with much different results. One Sunday our family was headed somewhere so we got on the fwy. A group of bikers, a bunch of younger guys in crotch rockets, entered an on-ramp right by us. A couple of them recklessly cut in front me almost causing me to hit one of them, so I honked, thinking he might not know I was there. One these but threads the moved in front of my car and deliberately slowed down to show me who was in charge. The rest of the heard finally took off after a couple minutes of this little power dance, and the moron finally joined them. I was afraid they were going to do something stupid like try and force me off the road, but fortunately it never reached that point. I don't celebrate the guy in the RR running over anyone, but I understand why he did and what he was feeling.
  12. uh, there's no need to do anything rash, adam. . . move along, people, nothing to see here. nothing at all. certainly nothing involving turtle wax, a dozen eggs and a glockenspiel. or midgets, none of them either.
  13. that's the good news. the bad news is that it's on a 42 hour delay.
  14. i like our team this year. should be a fun and productive season. a second cup would be beyond my dreams.
  15. adam says playing from the red tees is even easier.
  16. apologies to anyone else who already said this, but trumbo can easily be traded. there are plenty of gm's who value his power and are willing to take him. the issue is always trying to determine fair and equal value in a trade.
  17. remember, too, that chuck gave up a very lucrative career with thunder from down under.
  18. the jack ryan character and the stories he created around him were outstanding. his knack for detail was amazing and made me a big fan. that being said, his black ops books just never appealed to me for some reason.
  19. they can use santa's little helper as a rescue dog to search through the rubble.
  20. disagree completely with you on PF Changs. i really like their menu.
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