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Everything posted by Tank

  1. Ah, gotcha. Thanks. p.s. Does the rss know that it craig'd?
  2. I only miss him part of the time.
  3. i'd probably be sweating a couple of bullets at that point, as well as crying tears of joy. it would be kind of how i feel after watching an episode of "full house".
  4. at least jetes sent them home with an autographed ball and flowers.
  5. Chuck, i would LOVE to interview baylor on behalf of aw.com. this is a serious offer.
  6. ^^^^ yeah, i agree. perfect weather with nice cool nights. i'm also a big, big fan of sundown being around 5:00. the best part is knowing that it's only going to get colder, too.
  7. the day i pay $110 for a haircut is the same day joe blanton wins his third consecutive cy young award.
  8. that's mean and hilarious all at the same time.
  9. hamilton v. burr, part 2 i'll be burr, you scurvy rat.
  10. Thu Oct 17 Seattle Sun Oct 20 Miami Chicago Detroit Dallas New England San Diego St Louis Atlanta San Francisco Baltimore Green Bay Kansas City Denver Mon Oct 21 New York Giants
  11. DR - "even my PT appointments are more interesting than the lives of everyone else here".
  12. let's be straight on one thing, NJ - this had better not be a cheap shot at Tango and Cash, the finest buddy cop movie ever (EVER!!!) made. if it is, you and me have a big, big problem.
  13. I heard there will only be one ladies bathroom.
  14. I have no doubt there were plenty of football boosters proclaiming they were just "boys being boys".
  15. Wal-mart has a version called White Lightning. Not bad, but drinking it makes me want to watch nascar.
  16. Ha, I was friends with Tad and even liked his business. He dropped me from both like a bad habit.
  17. Wow. How long does something like that take and how much does it cost? I don't have any ink so I'm completely clueless on this stuff. Is $10,000 in the ballpark?
  18. I imagine the headaches and nightmares of getting everyone enrolled correctly is going to make working at the DMV seem like an easy, fun job.
  19. Simple solution all of us can do - stop reelecting these morons.
  20. Yep, it's all good fun. Just busting your chops a bit.
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