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Everything posted by Tank

  1. My biggest surprise was finding out he was a retired sheriff, not a lifeguard.
  2. We gladly thank you for your patriotism. Signed, Revolutionary War minutemen
  3. 2/35? LOL. not even jeffy makes that kind of bank.
  4. ah, i see poor st1ckboy needs to get out into the sun again. btw, nice new ink, buddy. it really completes your bold stance on modern music.
  5. blue cheese is another one that i hated as a kid but will eat occasionally now. it has to be mild otherwise i'm walking away from it.
  6. the ncaa just should have suspended usc for the first half of their first game, like they did with johnny football. THAT'S how you learn a lesson.
  7. i liked the picture of charlie duke's family left on the moon. i got to meet him a few years ago - terrific guy. thanks for posting these, nother.
  8. i wonder when we're going to find out who moved brodie's truck and who really set off the bomb. abu nazir is dead, so who did the bombing of the cia?
  9. you have to wonder where they're taking this story line with the daughter. she's ditched school, they're smoking weed and drinking beer, she helped bust a guy out of rehab, they're sleeping together, they stole her mom's car and traded it for a crappy toyota, and now she's on the run with a guy who may or may not have a death wish. how does this make the story of her father the traitor better?
  10. take a look at my team and see if there's anyone that interests you.
  11. roy firestone said something pretty well on his facebook page about all this yesterday. he has no issue with the ncaa handing out punishment to those who committed violations, but if something happened 5 years ago, why punish today's kids for it?
  12. if that happens, it might mean the revival of firejoemorgan.com, and i would find that to be most excellent.
  13. same here. neither one of these guys bothers me. if you're sitting in the expensive seats and the game is close in the late innings and you put your hands over your mouth, you're gonna get on tv!
  14. greek olives. man, those were so briny that i would just spit them out. i like them now, but in moderation.
  15. i don't mind doing jury duty as long as it doesn't conflict with teaching. used to be that teachers could get their duty postponed until summer, but those days are gone. two years ago we had a teacher that out for three or four weeks on a murder case, and it really disrupted things in her room to have a sub for that long. couple years ago i was called and had to show up. didn't call so i was excused from any more duty. about 8 months later i got another summons for jury duty. filled out the form saying i'd been summoned less than a year ago, zeroxed the form they give you so you can prove you served, and mailed it in. got a threatening letter saying i still had to report anyway. never did, and they never followed up.
  16. One day after his old coach Bum Phillips passed.
  17. I'm wondering what stadium renovations they need/want to make. They spent a lot of money for the '98 makeover. Did they forget something?
  18. Just show him Monsters, Inc. every night before bedtime.
  19. Ha, those hours sound familiar. Signed, Victors mom
  20. nice to see you post again, percy. you've been missed. if the daughter's story line ties into all of this somehow with her dad and carrie and national security, okay. but it sure doesn't look like it's going to be connected yet, and it gets tedious. after hearing what mike discovered about her boyfriend, i wonder if a suicide pact is coming up soon.
  21. terrible that a kid that young felt this was an option he had to take. as others here have said many times before, if you're going to take your life, why destroy the lives of others in the process? these are the kids i teach, and it's really hard to picture any of them going off like this. i imagine the pro-gun lobby will make facebook a really fun read tonight.
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