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Everything posted by Tank

  1. social media + kids = showing the world they have absolutely no filter on right/wrong/appropriate "killin' the selfie at pops funeral" may be one of the most bizarre things i've ever read.
  2. saw this last week. i really like clever things like this. listening to the comments of the people who were in the pictures was intriguing.
  3. schuck is not a long term solution. i'm okay with an outfield of schuck, trout, and calhoun, making hamilton the DH. but i'm also okay with hamilton playing the outfield full time and schuck being the fourth outfielder. i don't really expect trumbo or bourjos to be back with the angels next year. got to give up something to get something, and there's enough teams out there who'd be willing to take a flyer on either or both of them.
  4. i love that the first response to olney's tweet is someone asking if trumbo could play third for the doggies.
  5. i still have mine from last year. thanks for posting this again.
  6. yeah, i saw that, too. just makes you shake your head.
  7. bad experience, nate? scarred as a young child? bad upbringing?
  8. i surfed for a couple of years in high school. was never very good but always enjoyed being out in the water. it was tough just riding a six foot wave. can't imagine the courage needed to ride anything over twenty feet. heck, i wouldn't even want to be the guy on jet ski.
  9. he was originally sentenced to 4 years but was released early. two years for being a crappy enough doctor that helped caused a man's death seems a bit light to me. don't know what the penalty is in other states, however.
  10. it's gotta be tough to slide while wearing a bobsled.
  11. i respect you for remembering hanging with mr. cooper. that show was dope.
  12. good points, cali. i think in the days when these park first opened and they were making dolphins jump through hoops of fire, there was a valid argument about education vs. entertainment/captivity. it's a lot better now when they showcase animals doing natural behaviors as opposed to making them do tricks merely to entertain us. the parks are evolving as they learn more and more about these animals, and thats a positive.
  13. if they win this series, that'll make them 3-time champs in a ten year span. i find that to be unacceptable.
  14. so just what is this administration good at doing? anyone? bueller?
  15. i have a recurring fear. all of the screw-ups by this administration are being done intentionally so that that hilary can come in and promise to clean up his mess and sweep her way to victory in '16. she'll be hailed as the saviour of the party, and of america itself.
  16. in this day and age, i'm pretty sure we know about the movements of various world leaders 24/7. tapping their phones, however, especially of allies, reaches a new low. it happened on obama's watch, whether he authorized it or not. if didn't, then people need to be fired and possibly prosecuted. if he gave the okay, congress needs to get involved. unless, of course, this was all planned out this way at bohemian grove last july.
  17. just curious, but do you guys still play with the action figures?
  18. yeah, that could have been a career ender - still might be, who knows. it's interesting that brody, the central character in seasons 1 and 2, has only been in one episode so far. interested to see where they go with him. i'm guessing that the financial muslim chick finding info leading to that shady iranian group hiding in venezuela is going to lead to brody sooner or later. any thoughts about the daughter and the boyfriend ending their escape? what happens to her now? have to imagine mom is headed for a mental breakdown at some point - married to a hero turned terrorist who was having an affair with a cia agent, then after an attack that he may or may not have carried out, their daughter attempts suicide, fails, then runs off with a murderous guy she met in rehab.
  19. any of the tofurkey i've had i didn't really care for. we have a store that has soy that we like a whole lot better.
  20. Shot through the heart, and you're to blame You give love a bad name.
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