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Everything posted by Tank

  1. A no security plane? Good luck with that.
  2. Pick six. Every football broadcaster in America thinks this is clever and unique. It isn't.
  3. Good call. Nothing says "I'm sorry, please forgive me" like a Red Lobster gift card.
  4. i wonder if they're going to break up. i sure hope a little setback like this isn't a problem.
  5. and a nice big painting of clubber lang on the wall.
  6. whew! i thought maybe you had reached the point of forgetting all 47 of your kids.
  7. the twitter responses on that page were good. shame on her for even entertaining the idea, and then broadcasting it. i swear, this generation has no filter.
  8. i don't always see, but when i do, it's what you did there.
  9. i'd love to have suzuki. i'd also take a flyer on halladay, santana, or hudson. i'm in favor of whatever additions will push blanton out to pasture.
  10. never thought i'd see a 4 page thread about a guy named ubaldo.
  11. if he can help aybar stop being a dork on the base paths, that'd be fine with me.
  12. i never said anything of the sort. there are plenty of bad cops, but the number of bad ones doesn't affect my ability to appreciate the swarms of good ones. you're arguing things i haven't said or suggested. i'm moving on from this debate with you.
  13. what i don't get is if this was initially a plan to make health insurance available to those who can't afford it, why is it seemingly screwing over so many people who already have insurance? i dread going to my mailbox these days, fearing a letter from my employer about us losing our company insurance is just around the corner, and then we'll be stuck in this quagmire. and i still can't get over the fact that if you qualify for obamacare but refuse to sign up for it, you get fined, err, "taxed". how the heck is that constitutional?!?
  14. i have to make sure i'm ready to read these threads. there is so much personal stuff in them and i often find myself thinking how would i handle things were i in that situation. thank you for sharing your journey with us. i hope it helps you as much as it affects us.
  15. that almond flan looks insanely better than regular flan. BRB.
  16. Or the plot for the next Die Hard movie.
  17. Guys on the radio were reporting its a broken collarbone, but the Packers weren't confirming yet. Not the worst injury to have. But yeah, Wallace isn't any kind of answer. Kind of our version of Jason Isringhausen.
  18. looks like maybe the daughter situation has taken care of itself. thank goodness. that iranian is cold-blooded. the murder of his ex was brutal. has anyone else wondered about the muslim financial chick helping saul? previews make it look like she either becomes an ally to the iranian or she might be an assassin sent to silence him. i know that's a lot to pick up from seeing her grab a pair of scissors, but this might be a really interesting twist.
  19. i wonder if he drunk-texted sosh. man, that could be fun to read, if he did.
  20. i was talking to one of my classes the other day about band and asked them who are the tromboners? to my great relief and surprise, there was not a single giggle.
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