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Everything posted by Tank

  1. SCSmith is done? Oh, the humanity! I think he probably pissed off every message board and every user on the internet. He was something else. My home page is apple.com.
  2. ITS ABOUT TIME!!! Suck it, meat eaters.
  3. Am I the only one confused by the last half of AO's post?
  4. Thu Nov 07 Washington at Minnesota Sun Nov 10 Buffalo at Pittsburgh Cincinnati at Baltimore Detroit at Chicago Jacksonville at Tennessee Oakland at New York Giants Philadelphia at Green Bay Seattle at Atlanta St Louis at Indianapolis Carolina at San Francisco Denver at San Diego Houston at Arizona Dallas at New Orleans Mon Nov 11 Miami at Tampa Bay
  5. i don't really care what the phillies are doing.
  6. i'd be more or less impressed with volstad, but today is the first time i've heard his name. don't really see this guy having a spot in anaheim at this point.
  7. i think we're getting pretty close to the limit.
  8. tickle month always coincides with co-ed pillow fight month. always.
  9. i may be craiging myself here . . . saw something on FB (i think) that talked about how with the fed gov't now controlling healthcare for so many (and likely all of us eventually) and the growth of GMOs in our food, they're going to have total control of our health and the length of our lives before too long.
  10. no. she's still spending her vacation all over florida.
  11. i was at LAX two days ago and noticed that all of terminal 3 seemed to be wired for some kind of explosion. i found it odd, but i never said anything to anyone. i wish now that i would have.
  12. 3. Mcauliffe founded Greentech, in which he lured foreign investors, collected millions of dollars for the liberal agenda, and fell far short of employment promises made. He worked with Hillary’s brother Tony Rodham. The company is now under federal investigation. so any of you conservatives who STILL aren't scared of the democrats, here ya go!
  13. possible. could cause big problems for saul as it's under his watch and it's his operation. on a side note, mandy patinkin has a rep that he's very hard to work with. i think he's been fired from nearly every tv show he's been on. i like his character on homeland and hope they keep him around for the entire run of the show.
  14. DR, most people on the main board hardly noticed the wells-for-naps trade. not really sure where either of those players ended up, either.
  15. anyone hear from katie lately? i hope she got through this okay.
  16. me and st1ckboy could have told you, if only you had asked.
  17. no kidding. what a jerk. i don't know how the refs penalized him for this, but i hope holtby didn't get a fighting major just because some tool from the flyers had a bug up his butt and charged the length of the ice to go after him. was never an emery fan, and no reason to become one now.
  18. they have to strip search you before you gain access to this area. you can cut out the awkward wait time by just entering the honda center in your boxers and socks while holding your clothes neatly folded.
  19. Harries played in a league that, according to Adams, includes teachers, salesmen, a tax attorney and a guy who works for the CDC. There are teams called, “Net Profit,” “Respect My Car” and “Make it Drizzle.” They play one or two games at Dunwoody Baptist Church, then go home and cover themselves with ice bags. think of the competitive advantage this kid gets playing against a tax attorney in his 40s. as the article said, the ncaa is long on rules and short on logic. good grief.
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