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Everything posted by Tank

  1. so they're okay with the enormous dome, but the beard and nose are offensive?
  2. check out adam's pinterest page. lots of stuff going on there.
  3. no, but i'm having lunch with the producers on monday and then every actor in america on tuesday. i'll see what i can find out.
  4. you know, if you can take out a helicopter inside the chunnel while barely hanging on to a speeding train after impersonating jon voight, everything else in life ought to be easier for you.
  5. She got fired but the guy was only reprimanded? Good job, Idaho.
  6. "Like" if you love puppies and children. "Scroll" if you hate them.
  7. "The health care crisis is an economic crisis. It is not a medical crisis," said Dr. Jose Luis Lopez, who oversees labs at the Municipal Blood Bank of Caracas.
  8. i remember when oliver stone made the movie JFK, and people scoffed boldly at the idea that there could be so much subterfuge and coverup by the white house and the military-industrial complex. i don't think anyone is laughing at that idea anymore.
  9. so, he's headed to new mexico and las vegas. maybe he'll run into stickboy.
  10. i know the nsa is listening, so i don't want to compromise my friend and divulge where he works. we'll just say where he works makes his viewpoint relevant, and leave it at that.
  11. can we agree to leave tragedies off the table? i think there's plenty of other things to make fun of that don't involve human tragedies.
  12. all it's gonna take to sink this film is one appearance, no matter how small, of a living, breathing jar jar binks. i think if episode VII opens with his funeral then they're headed in the right direction.
  13. i'm curious what made the police go back and keep looking. nothing on the xrays, nothing in the first or second probe - why were eight probes needed? this guy is gonna get a lot of money.
  14. i know someone who works security at an airport. i'm hoping i can ask him about this incident and how the police responded to it.
  15. i think it's insensitive, to say the least. what if the boston marathon bombing chick was at a party with someone who had a friend or a relative get hurt or even die? what do you say to them - sorry, i was just trying to be funny about your tragedy? do people dress up as atomic bomb victims from nagasaki or jews from auschwitz? stuff like that should be off-limits.
  16. i like the cowboy dude. that hat was epic. ah well. i was really pulling for the hockey-playing mohawk asian dude.
  17. yep. no way anyone should expect anything more than this from them at this point.
  18. i'm glad you found that story and shared it here, krb. i love seeing kids do compassionate things. i'm gonna find a way to use this story at school with my kids.
  19. eli, by a mile. cutler isn't the kind of guy that inspires confidence in having a big game statistically. i have to start matt ryan this week because of the injury to aaron rodgers. ryan has been less than special this year, but i'm not sure there's anyone better that's available for a price i'd be willing to pay. my team is doing well and i don't want to fuss with it.
  20. went a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. looks like their prices have gone up for hitting this year. that's okay as it helps people who really have a need.
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