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Everything posted by Tank

  1. guess we were way wrong on the chick with the scissors. i was surprised that the iranian, who was mysteriously allowed to drive himself to the airport with carrie, actually made it onto the plane. figured he was gonna bolt at any minute. love that saul locked the senator in the conference room. imagine he'll probably pay dearly for that one. so dana is gone, the iranian is gone, quinn is off the hook, and brody's still in south america. where do they go next? all this nonsense with saul's wife? yeah, i'm ready for her to change her name and go live with dana brody on some kind of farm that raises puppies and llamas out in the middle of mississippi.
  2. "Following the do-it-yourself beauty treatment, Mioku was left so disfigured that her own parents could not recognize her. When doctors analysed her, it was confirmed she was suffering from a psychological disorder." really? a psychological disorder? are you sure? seems like a rush to judgement.
  3. another storm is lining up to hit the philippines again. oy.
  4. you just earned yourself a free lifetime membership to aw.com.
  5. very interesting. they showed a picture of a real live pretty girl, something most of you geeks have never seen before. and no, she wasn't a gif.
  6. as i've thought about it, this occurred to me - if Trout gains his typical 50 pounds of pure blubber again this winter (like he did last winter), the team indeed could be in trouble next year.
  7. Season over declarations in November make me chuckle.
  8. Clicked on it. Wondering what kind of school assignment this was.
  9. Haven't seen any news yet today but expectations were there'd be more than 10k dead.
  10. Did they only wear the camo jerseys for the warmup? Game has started and they're wearing their regular black jerseys.
  11. Apparently Bynum is talking about retiring. Tired of constant pain in his knees. Surprised to read he's only 26.
  12. I'd like tommy better if he were an Arab. Too soon?
  13. I can't even begin to read nates post. That font size is about .02 or so.
  14. Sure. Look at the interest rates on credit cards. Lots of money to be made on a lot more people.
  15. I needed a laugh today. Thank you.
  16. Going to the game Saturday night against the 'Nucks. Anxious to see Toffoli and Vey.
  17. the key words in that statement are "tofurkey" and "die".
  18. i like this idea: "The baseball season needs to be cut down. Part of the reason football fans love the sport so much is because there are only 16 regular-season games. Every game means so much. There are 162 games in the baseball season. Even diehard fans can suffer from fatigue by the middle of September. I've long thought that 140 games would be a better number, with the season starting in the middle of April. Make it a summer sport while making each game mean a bit more by having fewer of them. And every World Series should conclude during the third week in October, preventing a potential Game 7 on Halloween."
  19. all of their computers are tied up trying to register for obamacare.
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