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Everything posted by Tank

  1. i'm only 13 behind, but it feels like i lose ten games every week. it's been a tough year for predictions.
  2. can someone explain briefly what a single-payer option is? somehow in all of the debates i missed this part.
  3. "and i promise you we'll have the most transparent government in history."
  4. dear GOP, the door is wide open for a candidate who can get rid of this. work together, please. thanks, tank
  5. when we first saw brody in venezuela, the lead guy there indicated that he knew carrie. i wonder if saul and carrie are both aware that brody is there. i'm really intrigued where this part goes. first, they have to get brody off of heroin.
  6. this is a typical post from one of my single female friends from college. she has it a bit tough as she's the caregiver for her aged, ailing mother, but this is typical of what she posts. "So many odds and ends to do, I feel like I'm about to start "spinning"...at least Mom's room has been tended to and she has fresh sheets on her bed...and I've sorted my scarves and hats and cleaned up a couple of "new" purses, and shelved some errant books, but I still need to open/read the packet from Senior Services about Senior Companions if that's ever going to get rolling, and I need to wash/dry Mom's hair today, and contact the casino about whether or not I have a shot at getting my postcards onto their racks, and clean my desk (file, file, file), and edit a TON of photos as I shoot nearly every day when I go on my walks, and I really would like to take one of those walks today...with or without a camera...oh me. But, it's all good! Great to be busy and occupied and have some sense of satisfaction when something is finally done. Have a great day, all!!"
  7. reminds me of the early days of ATMs. we heard occasional stories about how someone put a regular ol' cardboard box on the floor by the ATM with a sign saying "ATM deposit not working. leave deposit in box." whoever the scammers were picked up a few hundred bucks the easy way, and the rest of us learned a valuable lesson in trust.
  8. if you think that means i'm inviting you over to share our tofurkey next week, think again.
  9. very funny, but you need to add in a NSFW disclaimer.
  10. this post deserves a little love.
  11. Yeah, I want to know how Saul knew he was there. Meanwhile, his whore wife has been bugged by her ex-lover. Who does he work for? What is he looking for? Can't imagine the oil' family desktop will yield much intel, but the microphone feature could catch some sensitive things. Of course, he doesn't really talk shop with his wife so I'm not sure it'll yield much. Next week sure looks interesting.
  12. he's not my first choice to solve our starting pitching needs, but i'd take arroyo over blanton or jerome without batting an eyelash. i'd also make a strong effort to re-sign vargas.
  13. i'd enjoy seeing nathan anchor our bullpen for the next couple of years. base salary of $5 mil plus lots of incentives.
  14. i'm pretty sure she's moved on up to that dee-luxe apartment in the sky-y-y.
  15. i doubt there's a politician alive who'd be willing to allow his state to increase insurance rates during an election year in order to help those companies. insurance companies have been painted into a corner as being nothing but evil and heartless. any politician who voted for that would be hard pressed to get reelected.
  16. and right after i post this my mom sent me a text. she was able to get through to one of my aunts. everyone in the family is fine and none of them suffered any property damage. very relieved.
  17. pretty devastating. http://www.cnn.com/2013/11/17/us/weather/ on a personal note, my mom grew up in east peoria. she still has two brothers there and multiple nieces and nephews (my cousins). we haven't heard from any of them yet and are a bit concerned. we're hoping that no news is good news. to get your bearings, east peoria is right next to washington, illinois, which was hit very hard yesterday. we'd appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts for our family members who are there.
  18. my OS is so old i think i might be running kitty cat.
  19. he's become the half-white-half-hispanic rodney king.
  20. "hey, i know i've had like six or seven beers, but dude, watch this. i can slide down this handrail on my shoes and totally make it to the end of the rail. just watch!" moron.
  21. watched a movie yesterday called "breakaway". meh. i really liked the concept, however. it was a brand new genre where there was a nice kid from a working class family who had talent for a sport, but his parents didn't initially approve. by weasling around their wishes and doing his own thing, his mom came around first to accept his desire to play sports, and then ultimately his father yielded and gave his support. i hope hollywood will make more movies like this someday. the sport was ice hockey. the family was a group of sikh indians living in toronto, canada.
  22. my home computer is a power mac laptop. i've owned it since '04 and it still works pretty well. i can't update the flash player or watch videos without some major new hardware, but i can still use it to write documents i need for school. i have an ipad for playing around at home and it works fine. honestly, i can't really complain very much about modern technology and everything it can do.
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