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Everything posted by Tank

  1. um, players who sign entry level contracts don't really include bonus clauses for awards/performance, as far as i know. i'm sure trout's agent will address this at some point.
  2. straight and to the point. well done, doc.
  3. Hold on a sec . . . You like the cheese sauce on your hot dogs, but the nachos suck? How can that be? I'm beginning to think you might be pulling my leg.
  4. Nother, I believe the answer is cleverly hidden in Celine Dion's mega-hit "my heart will go on." Usually by about the 15th time of listening to it the message becomes suddenly clear as a bell.
  5. Well, like they say, the first rule of fight club . . .
  6. if being a hipster is wrong, i don't wanna be right.
  7. i hope the time it took to read the first post in this thread lasts longer than the rest of mighty joe's angel career.
  8. bummer. vargas was useful. now they're really going to have to dangle bourjos, trumbo, kendrick, and aybar in any trade scenario if they want to pick up a quality arm or two.
  9. used to go to the millers outpost in thousand oaks. i remember they had a wooden fence inside the place, as if you were really inside a trading post or a barn or whatever.
  10. there are teachers who use twitter to send out mass messages to students/classes for info about assignments. good way to get some resources into kids hands. our principal has been encouraging us to use twitter to find educational info, but most of us aren't terribly interested in it yet.
  11. "stickboy, please raise your pant leg so the bailiff can check your ankle monitoring device."
  12. Thu Nov 21 New Orleans Sun Nov 24 Carolina Chicago Houston Green Bay Baltimore Pittsburgh Kansas City Detroit Indianapolis Oakland New York Giants Denver Mon Nov 25 San Francisco
  13. ahem. hi kevin, how ya doing? signed, professional boxing
  14. watching the drama queen play out his little staged outburst yesterday reminded me of something shakespeare once said: "methinks thou dost protest too much."
  15. i'd love to have freese at third. haven't had a decent third basemen here in a while. bat has some decent pop. you have to hope the injuries are behind him and that he's healthy to play 140 games plus. i'd trade bourjos straight up for him. i'd also trade petey and aybar for freese and a pitcher.
  16. You can lead a man to knowledge but you can't make him think.
  17. Yeah, that's not going to make any difference for me. Don't like skynyrd or petty.
  18. Just hearing about this deal. Wow. Not sure what to think yet.
  19. no joke, nate. i have never liked the sound of his voice. nails on a chalkboard for me.
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